Find all of our LB1 learning here:


Welcome back!

LB4 2020

Coming up this Learning Block…

ASA Round 3 starts Monday 10th February 2020

3B Class Assembly Thursday 13th February


Thursday 30th January 2020

Stars of the Week

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being adaptable for the daily routine and joining in all the class activities with great enthusiasm.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being an enquirer and asking any questions about animals this week.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being adaptable to the routines in the class and for making new friends.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for confidently showing my knowledge and skills in literacy and being a risk-taker.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being resilient and hardworking in all of my learning this week.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being an enquirer in maths and solving word problems.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a fantastic thinker when learning about lines of symmetry.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for writing a fantastic newspaper article.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being cooperative in my maths and learning journey work.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a thinker in making discerning observations in class.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for using lots of maths and science vocabulary in my learning and explaining it to other learners.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for showing great enthusiasm for all of my work and for continually striving to do my very best.

Wednesday 29th January 2020

Who’s afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?

Not iCAN

iCAN had a great time stocking up on some fantastic new reads at the Big Bad Wolf sale last week. As you can see from the receipt, there will now be a range of exciting books to enjoy.

There were some new meal options last week at iCAN. Our Middle Years learners got to be some of the first to try the new and improved recipes. It would appear that, from their reactions, they seemed impressed. 

Monday 27th January 2020

5M make some memorable moments 

5M put on an emotional, heartfelt and exciting performance last Thursday. The learners captured the audience with their moving poetry and incredible performance skills.

Thursday 23rd January 2020

Stars of the Week

These learners have gone above and beyond this week to demonstrate one or more of our Personal Goals.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being respectful and adaptable with my friends while taking turns in the role play area.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a thinker, and for being resilient when blending and reading.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being resilient in Literacy this week.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a respectful, principled learner, and for always trying so hard with my spelling and writing.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a principled learner and for always being ready to learn.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being an enquirer by asking questions to create the perfect persuasive letter.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a great communicator by asking for help when needed and improving my English.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a risk taker on our trip to Fly Phnom Penh.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for super work in maths when drawing a bar chart.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being cooperative during our science experiment investigations.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for showing great enthusiasm in topic work about Mars, especially in my story writing.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being an awesome risk taker by sharing my ideas, answers and opinions with the class.

Wednesday 22nd January

iCAN Play and Nursery visit RH

iCAN Play and Nursery had fun exploring lots of different activities in RH this morning. Our youngest learners are encouraged to be independent when trying out lots of new things. This process allows them to extend their understanding of the world, and to help them develop their fine motor skills. 

You may have missed…

Year 6 have been carefully studying and recording their plant growth over the last week. The learners have been monitoring the development of their seedlings in different environments to see the effects of these on the growth. They placed the seeds in various locations, deprived the plants of light and even watered them with sugar or salt to see if this impacted the experiment. 

Tuesday 21st January 2020

Learner Council were incredibly principled and creative yesterday afternoon. They worked with Ms. Rosie and Ms. Lily to design signs that would encourage people in school to make positive choices, to help keep our iCAN environment protected from plastic pollution. Since our Creative Arts Celebration, iCAN has made some changes within the school so that we can exist in a more sustainable way. Please continue to support our single-use plastic ban by re-using things, resisting plastic, and bringing your own bag or containers instead of single-use plastic cups or styrofoam.   

Monday 20th January 2020

Kite Flying Fun

Friday 17th January 2020

Early Years Sports Day

What better way to wake up on a Wednesday…

​RH were all smiles on Wednesday morning during their swim session. The learners were practising blowing bubbles in the water, going under the water, and climbing in and out safely. iCAN ensures that every child develops and builds on their water confidence from an early age. 

6V begin planting seeds 

huge thank you 

Before the Mid Year break, iCAN hosted its annual Give a Gift appeal. Your kind generosity enabled BraveHearts to provide gifts to those who needed them most. Thank you to everyone who support this; your donations definitely generated many smiles. 

Monday 13th January 2020

Year 1 maths is far from boring

Maths in Year One was very hands-on today. The learners used a range of objects, resources, and visual representations to helps them make deeper connections in their learning. 

5G get creative

5G created striking aboriginal art today, by using a range of coloured dots to gradually build up their image. They made links with their recent poetry work about the Australian forest fires. 

6V practise their guitar skills

6V were refining their guitar skills this morning with Ms. Joaan. The learners had to remember the different finger positions for each chord and work on creating different tensions on the strings. 

LB4 Week 2

Friday 10th January 2020

Year 7 explore poster art

Inspired by the Obama Hope poster, the Middle Years learners have been exploring expression, by manipulating digital images of themselves, within their art lessons. They had to think about how they could convey an emotion, by simply using just their facial expression. The Year 7 learners will be spending their upcoming lessons digitally editing these to recreate this style of poster art. 

Stars of the Week

These learners have gone above and beyond this week to demonstrate one, or more, of our iCAN personal goals. 

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a fantastic risk taker for taking part in all the relays during practising for my sports day.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for  being a thinker and communicator during our animal habitats entry point.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a thinker and using articles in my sentences.

We have been awarded Star of the Week for cooperating well together to make our history fact sheet about teddy bears.

I am Star of the Week for setting a great example with my behaviour and always working diligently. 

We have been awarded Star of the Week for cooperating well together to make our history fact sheet about teddy bears.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being cooperative and adaptable by joining in with group learning this week. 

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being resilient in maths and starting the year with a positive attitude in the subject.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for always being a respectful and resilient learner.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for consistently being a principled learner. 

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being resilient in each of my tasks this week.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being principled in all my learning especially art this week where I took responsibility for my learning space and concentrated hard on improving my skills.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being proactive with my learning and putting in extra effort to do things well.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for always being enthusiastic towards learning and a great cooperator.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for having a wealth of information about the world around me.

You may have missed…

The end of LB3 was a whirlwind of activity, creativity and beautiful pieces of art! To finish off the year, iCAN hosted their first ethical shopping bazarre to further encourage the community to shop in a more mindful and sustainable way. Thank you to all of the businesses who came along to share their crafts and inspire our learners to make positive environmental choices. 

RH make some new friends at Bambujaya

At the end of LB3, RH learners spent an energetic morning visiting the Bambujaya school. They were very principled when riding in the tuk tuk and showed great risk taking when playing on the bamboo swing. They tested their physical abilities, enjoyed the sand pit, and played with their new Bambujaya friends. We hope to visit again in the new year and would love to welcome their children to iCAN to share our learning with them. 

LB4 Week 1

Monday 6th January 2020

ASAs are back! Activities are running on both Mondays and Wednesdays. 

Friday 13th December 2019

Wednesday 11th December 2019

Tuesday 10th December 2019

Coming up this week…

To round off LB3, in the final week of the iCAN school year, we will host our annual Creative Arts Celebration. This year we are focusing on sustainability and ensuring that all of our beautiful creations have either been up-cycled, re-used, or will have their own new purpose within the school.

​Further information, timings, and important details to follow…


Friday 6th December 2019

Active Planet...

YAPP fun!

Years 4- 6 had a great morning at the ISPP YAPP event on Wednesday.  This fun event allowed our learners to try out a range of fun and unusual activities with other children from schools in Phnom Penh.

Thursday 5th December 2019

Stars of the Week

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a great communicator and sharing information, about animals in the jungle,  in the book corner.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being resilient when working on my blending skills.  

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a risk-taker in Maths when working on my subtraction equations. 

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being so respectful at all times and for being a great learner. 

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being an enthusiastic communicator by contributing to class discussions. 

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a risk-taker and trying really hard to attempt learning independently. 

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a great communicator.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being an excellent communicator in my writing.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for a fantastic performance at the YAPP sports event.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for thoughtful work in Literacy when writing my description and using great vocabulary.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being  principled and resilient in all my learning.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a methodical thinker evident from my pertinent questions.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for using lots of my personal goals and being a good sportsperson at YAPP.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for fantastic participation in the YAPP sports event.

Monday 2nd December 2019

Friday’s Movember- photo- fun

Friday 29th November 2019

The residential visits are one of our favourite parts of the year.

Watch this to see why…

Thursday 28th November 2019

Stars of the Week

These learners have gone above and beyond this week to demonstrate one or more of the personal goals.

I have been awarded Star of the Week
for being great at wearing my socks and shoes
I have been awarded Star of the Week
for being principled in the castle
role-play area this week.
I have been awarded Star of the Week
for being principled and following
rules on the carpet this week.
I have been awarded Star of the Week
for being respectful and a principled
thinker during my work on verbs,
adjectives, and nouns.
I was awarded for being a thinker
and applying my knowledge of volcanoes.
I have been awarded Star of the Week
for being a resilient learner in
maths and doing a fantastic job
of learning my times tables.
I have been awarded Star of the Week
for a fantastic start to our
fractions unit.
I have been awarded Star of the Week
for always going above and beyond
in all areas of learning.
I have been awarded Star of the Week
for being resilient in challenging
Math tasks.
I have been awarded Star of the Week
for super comprehension skills when
answering questions about
I have been awarded Star of the Week
for being resilient and a good
thinker when consolidating my
knowledge and understanding of
I have been awarded Star of the Week
for great progress and confidence
in using mental maths

Wednesday 27th November 2019

Read more…

We are trying to make a difference in the world

Did you know that at iCAN we now make our own compost? The learners in MP3 have been helping to prepare the carbon or ‘browns’  for the compost in the initial trial weeks. Now that the first batch is ready, our younger learners will soon be using this final product for their up-cycled planters during the Creative Arts Celebration. As a school we have already saved up to 100 kg of food and paper waste from going to landfill, since starting this in November. Soon the system will be fully up and running, and ready for our learners to take over…

Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.

You may notice small changes happening around the school. We are encouraging our team, and all of the learners, to reduce the amount of waste that they produce, and to think about whether something can be re-purposed or used again. 


Monday 25th November 2019

A sensational Saturday and Sunday of swimming…


Friday 22nd November 2019

Spooky Smoothies

RH had loads of fun making their spooky smoothies on Thursday. They used lots of delicious fruits and vegetables for their creations. 

Thursday 21st November 2019

A splendid performance from 5G 

5G gave a fantastic performance in their class assembly this week; they slithered, crawled and bounded onto the stage with great enthusiasm. 

Stars of the Week

These learners have gone above and beyond this week to demonstrate one or more of the personal goals. 

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a fantastic thinker and asking questions about castles, kins, queens, princesses and  knights.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a thinker and  working hard on my phonics and oral blending

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a thinker and using verbs in my sentences.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being an amazing thinker with my spelling and reading.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being thoughtful and cooperative when making my toy in our entry point.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a risk-taker by communicating more in English.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a cooperative helper to other learners in and out of the classroom.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for working cooperatively with my table team and always helping with tidying up.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for a brilliant story that I read-aloud with great expression.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for super work in Maths when writing word problems.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being principled in appreciating the ideas and opinions of other learners. 

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being so enthusiastic to learn every day.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being really resilient this week in my maths learning on multiples. 

We have been awarded Star of the Week for our fantastic class assembly!


Monday 18th November 2019

Bears on the loose…

If you went down to the iCAN garden this Monday, you would have been sure of a big surprise… MP1 had their Entry Point and were joined by their favourite bears for a Teddy Bear’s Picnic. 


LB2 2019-2020

Round 2 ASAs coming soon…

LB2- Week 6


Middle Years: MUN

Two weeks ago, eight of our iCAN MUN delegates participated in the ISPP MUN conference, debating on some of our world’s most pressing issues today, and attempting to resolve these matters collaboratively. What resulted was a fruitful, engaging and insightful experience for our learners who attended. We at iCAN are very proud of their achievements and we look forward to what comes next in their MUN journeys.

A delicious way to conclude the unit…

MP2 had a lot of fun on their visit to The Chocolate Shop  this week. As part of their Learning Journey unit, the children explored the origins of chocolate, as well as learning how to design and make their own chocolate bar. Their Exit Point allowed them to consolidate all of this learning in a delicious and hands-on way. It is fair to say, that they appeared to thoroughly enjoy themselves…


Thursday 7th November 2019

Stars of the Week

These learners have gone above and beyond to demonstrate one, or more, of our Personal Goals this week.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for trying really hard to put my bag and water bottle in the baskets. Well done, keep it up!

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a communicator and sharing my knowledge of butterflies during our trip this week.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being principled and respectful towards his friends. Well done!

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a good communicator and thinker.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a resilient reader and writer in phonics and literacy this week. 

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a thinker whilst reflecting on my learning during our topic ‘We are What We Eat’.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being resilient in maths. I never give up when a problem is difficult.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for working cooperatively with my team in learning journey.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for excellent behaviour during our recent trip to the chocolate shop

I have been awarded Star of the Week for super work in maths when learning how to divide.

We have been awarded Star of the Week for demonstrating all of the personal goals during our residential to Kep and Kampot.

We have been awarded Star of the Week for being amazing on the residential to Siem Reap, by using all 9 of the Personal Goals.


An adventure to the Butterfly Garden at ISPP

Throwback to the Year 4 Sleepover 

Monday 4th November 2019

After a very busy week, our learners are back at iCAN from their residential visits away. Year 5 and 6 had an awesome time in Kep, Kampot, and Siem Reap. 

ASA updates

ASAs for round one have finished but round two is just around the corner. Updates and sign-up information will be sent out soon via email. Take a look at what your children were up to in their ASAs over the past two learning blocks…

About last week…

The Middle Years learners did a brilliant job of educating our younger children, as well as the Learning Facilitators, last Friday at their Science Fair. There was a wide range of interesting and engaging experiments to see. It was clear to see that loads of effort, thought and hard work had gone into these projects. 

LB2- Week 4

Friday 25th October 2019

This week has been absolutely jam-packed full of learning! The children loved having their parents and family members in school to share in their lessons today. A huge thank you to those of you who gave up your time for this session; it was clear to see how much the learners valued this. Meanwhile, our Middle Years children were busy sharing their science projects from the past two learning blocks.

​Don’t forget to check our event updates above; there are lots of important things happening next week.
Scroll down now to see what’s been happening this week in your child’s milepost…

Family Learning Day 2019

Thursday 24th October 2019

An excellent assembly from 3J

Stars of the Week

These learners have gone above and beyond this week to demonstrate one, or more, of our Personal Goals.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for  coming to school with a big smile on my face and putting my bag and the water bottle in the trays.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for having a positive attitude; I have had a smile on my face in the mornings.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a risk-taker when practising my nouns.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a good communicator, enquirer, and thinker.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being an enquirer while investigating.

I am Star of the Week for being an excellent communicator by listening to my friends’ poems and giving them thoughtful feedback.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being being an enquirer in science.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a fantastic thinker in science during our melting chocolate investigation.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for always being so respectful and displaying beautiful manners during our trip to Luna.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for my excellent handwriting and neat presentation of my work.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being an excellent thinker by contributing lots of answers, ideas and opinions during discussions.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for consistently showing resilience, and for being a risk taker in maths.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for
co-operating well with others, and being friendly at playtime.




A HUGE well done to 3J this week! They are all stars for such an awesome assembly.


Wednesday 23rd October 2019

This coming Friday is our Family Learning Day.

So what can you expect to see when you join us for a lesson?

Learning takes on many forms at iCAN. There may be: dressing-up, outdoor activities, cooperative learning structures, free-flow exploration, and so much more! You are unlikely to spend much time in a chair, or at a table; our approach is about working together, discussing ideas and being accountable to others.

What do you need to bring?

Just yourself! All we ask is that you put your mobile phone on silent or, better still, turn it off. That way, you child will have your full attention and there are no distractions to the learning. 

Thank you for giving up your time. The children are very excited to share how they learn with you. See you Friday!

Middle Years explore mandalas

As part of mindful Wednesdays, our Middle Years learners attempted some mandalas during their form time. The process involves creating a repeated pattern, within concentric circles, and requires lots of resilience! Creating the intricate pattern allows the mind to focus in on that one, particular process and be free of other distractions. 

Monday 21st October 2019

Another fantastic weekend of sport

Our Middle Years learners concluded the basketball season with a brilliant effort at NISC this weekend. Both the Boys and Girls teams showed resilience and determination against their competitors to finish 5th and 6th overall.

To inspire every child to recognise their full potential, believe they can make a difference, and respect themselves, others and the world in which they live

We try to inspire our learners to want to make a difference in the world. This can only happen if we, as adults, model positive bevaviour to our children at iCAN. We realise that educating our learners about sustainability is currently more important than ever, so some exciting changes are happening at our school. Over the last few weeks, Ms. Maggie has been helping the children to learn how to make beautiful recycled paper from our used, scrap paper during art sessions. The learners will be encouraged to start sorting their waste into compostable items, paper for recycling, and general waste.


Friday 18th October 2019

1A practise measuring and estimating in maths 

1A were incredibly focused today when making estimations about how much juice they thought there would be inside an orange and a lemon. First they estimated and drew out their guess, on the container, to mark their predictions. After lots of squeezing, they carefully measured out the juice to see how much the fruit actually contained. Lots of the learners were quite surprised by their findings from the investigation.

iCAN Swim Team

Our Swim Team is growing! We are very excited to welcome some new members who have recently joined the team. Our swimmers are working incredibly hard during training sessions to improve their efficiency and stroke technique in the water. At yesterday’s session they practised their tumble-turns, and diving into the water in readiness for their next meet…

Thursday 17th October 2019

Stars of the Week

These learners have gone above and beyond to demonstrated one, or more, of our Personal Goals this week.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being  very respectful and adaptable with my friends while taking turns in the role-play area.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a communicator during morning meetings; I have been sharing my feelings and thoughts.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a good communicator and enquirer; I have been really resilient in my learning.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being helpful and respectful around the classroom, especially during tidy up time.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being an enquirer in History!

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a thinker in maths when multiplying 4s and 8s.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a great enquirer in history by creating my own hunter-gatherer fact sheet.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a brave risk taker and competing in my first Swim Meet.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for a great start to our multiplication and division unit in maths.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for creating a brilliant haunted house in Literacy.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being resilient and cooperative in maths.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a discerning listener during our class discussions.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a super thinker by being able to explain a range of mental addition strategies.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for very good thinking in Science lessons and
​co-operating well with my group in Science investigations.

Wednesday 16th October 2019

It was lovely to have so many families in for our drop-in session yesterday. We have a Family Learning Day coming up next week on the 25th October, so check our social media updates and sign up with your child’s class Learning Facilitator to book your slot.


Hunter-gatherers were hard at work in 2L this week. They made their own paints by smashing: charcoal, berries, and chalk with rocks. Then they mixed this with water in shells and painted pictures with sticks that they had gathered from outside.

Tuesday 15th October 2019

How do our children learn best?

At iCAN we understand that our children learn best when they are fully involved in what they are learning. Our learners love to be hands-on and engaged in the task. This makes the learning much more real and memorable; it allows our children to make deeper connections with their existing knowledge. We regularly incorporate Cooperative Learning structures into lessons to ensure that all of our learners are accountable and involved. This process encourages all children to contribute, even if it is in some small way, to the task or process. We let our learners make mistakes, so that they can reflect on these, and then plan for their own next steps. Our Learning Facilitators are not there to teach to the class but, instead, to facilitate learning and guide the children to a particular area of investigation. Most importantly, we try to ensure that learning is interesting and fun.

Monday 14th October 2019

LB2- Week 2

Friday 11th October 2019

5G explore what’s lurking in the iCAN garden

5G were brilliant enquirers when observing different creatures in the garden yesterday. As part of their unit Existing, Endangered, Extinct..? The learners thought about how these different creatures moved, where they may live in the garden, and the various reasons for these. They then worked collaboratively to share their ideas and findings.

Thursday 10th October 2019

Stars of the Week

These learners have gone above and beyond this week to demonstrate one or more of our Personal Goals.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being polite, using good manners and being respectful to my friends and learning facilitators.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for showing resilience when writing the names of different minibeasts.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being principled and kind to my friends in class.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being an excellent non-verbal communicator during our Day Without Speech activities.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for my fantastic effort in guided reading; I was able to read aloud to everyone & retell the chapter really well.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being so resilient and working hard to apply my phonic knowledge in my writing.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for always being a principled and respectful learner.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for writing a detailed letter in my literacy learning.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a mindful communicator during Day Without Speech.

Thank you for your support

Thank you to everyone who helped to raise money for OIC Cambodia at our Bake Sale yesterday. There was a fantastic amount of support from both families and learners; all of your contributions are greatly appreciated.
If you would like to find out more about this brilliant organisation you can visit their site at

Wednesday 9th October 2019

We are creative communicators

Every room was so quiet today for our Day Without Speech. The children were incredibly adaptable at finding different ways to communicate their ideas, or needs, without talking. In MP1, 2L even managed a cookie decorating activity without any speech at all! It was fantastic to see all of the learners being principled and finding alternative ways to communicate, instead of talking to each other or to the Learning Facilitator. Many of the children shared how much they had enjoyed the calm environment and expressed that it had allowed them to concentrate on their learning more easily.

Tuesday 8th October 2019

After School Activities

Have you ever wondered what happens in After School Activities? Well wonder no more… This round of ASAs is drawing to a close but the second round will begin from Monday 28th October 2019 and will continue until just before the Christmas Break. These sessions are planned, resourced and run by our Learning Facilitators so that they are designed to be fun, but are also learning focused. Below features sessions from our MP1 Paper Crafts Club and our MP2/3 Photography Club.

Monday 7th October 2019

Year 7 Entry Point

Last week Year 7 started their Discovery Entry Point by watching David Attenborough’s documentary series, Dynasties, which follows a family of tigers over a two year period. The learners then ventured to Phnom Tamao where they were met by The Wildlife Alliance who told them stories about Lucky, an elephant that was rescued from trafficking when she was 6 months old, and Cheu who has a prosthetic leg- after being caught in a snare. Lucky let the children join her on her morning walk and allowed them to feed her with lots of watermelon. They also learned about other animals such as the tigers, otters, and the gibbons. The learners were exploring their new Big Idea- Human curiosity can impact the world for better or worse. The learners reflected on being curious with kindness and thought about how important it is to protect Cambodia’s wildlife. They explored the idea that, while it is important to be innovative and make discoveries, not all discoveries can impact the world for the better.

Year 8

Meanwhile, Year 8 were exploring the big idea of Communication, with extraterrestrial life forms, in their Alien-themed Entry Point. The learners first had to decode a message sent to them in an alien language. They then responded by explaining how to complete an everyday human task, such as tying shoelaces, using the same code. Some of our multilingual learners had even memorised the symbols by the end of the activity! They then had to reconstruct models of the alien’s spaceships and bodies using multi-link cubes. This put their communication skills to the test; those that were looking at the models had to explain what the builders needed to do. The learners were able to better understand the impact of Learning Facilitators giving unclear or incomplete instructions when they were asked to make a word using their bodies. Learners suggested how to give clearer instructions to make the task more successful and, during the process, gained a deeper understanding of how to communicate more effectively.

Year 9

During the Year 9’s Entry Point, the learners explored the idea of ‘Identity’. Learners individually created Wordles to summarise how they percieve themselves. Through fruitful discussion, the meaning of identity was challenged. They then reflected on what creates an identity; learners debated the possibility of identity changing over time. They finished the Entry Point by returning to their original Wordles, and adding other elements of their identity that perhaps aren’t always seen by others. It was wonderful to see Year 9 connect and bond by getting to know each other even better, and being so honest and open during each the activity.

Friday 4th October 2019

Follow us on Instagram to see our daily Inktober art

All this month iCAN is taking part in Inktober 2019. We are posting art from our learners, daily, on the iCAN Instagram account. Today our Middle Years learners explored Inktober in a more literal sense of the word…

iCAN Instagram

Safety first

Today the learners showed just how principled they can be during our first fire drill of the year. Everyone followed procedure and demonstrated that they could evacuate the school safely, calmly and quickly . We run drills at iCAN as we want to ensure that all learners and members of our team feel prepared and know what to do if necessary.

YAPP sports @ISPP

2R think local…

In learning journey, 2R have been learning about where food comes from around the world. The learners found out how food travels from other countries and learned about the benefits of trying to eat locally grown food. Today they made posters to encourage others to eat more food that is grown here in Cambodia.

Thursday 3rd October 2019

Stars of the Week

These learners have gone above and beyond this week to demonstrate one or more of our Personal Goals.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being very adaptable and joining in during PE games.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for showing resilience when learning to write my name.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a good thinker,adaptable and cooperative.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being resilient when subtracting numbers mentally.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being principled and following class rules.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being resilient in maths when learning different methods of subtraction.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for sharing my incredible geography knowledge about countries of the world with my friends.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for having an excellent attitude towards my learning and being a great thinker when solving maths problems.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for consistently showing a resilient and principled attitude to all my learning.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for having a great attitude towards my learning – especially with remembering important information in Learning Journey.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for super work in Maths when rounding.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for my resilience in tackling challenging maths problems.


I have been awarded Star of the Week for being really cooperative in Spanish.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for enthusiastic work in all lessons and great co-operation with others!


Wednesday 2nd October 2019

Morning Meetings in 1A

Morning Meetings… they sound a bit formal and business-like surely? No! Luckily they are far more relaxed than that. These meetings are a chance for our learners to check-in with each other and share how they are feeling. Today, 1A did an inside, outside circle to talk about their emotions and then fed back this information to the class about what one of their partners had discussed with them.

Developing a sense of others

These sessions also encourage our learners to think about the points of view of others. They get our children thinking about different cultures and traditions that may be different to their own.

Tuesday 1st October 2019


October is here and that also means that Inktober is here too; well, on Instagram.

So what’s it all about?

A man called Jake Parker had an idea. In October 2016, he decided to do one drawing a day for the whole month. The aim was to draw because he wanted to and not because he was paid. (It was his job.) Now lots of people take part in his Inktober challenge simply because they love art. Our learners are taking part too. Follow us on Instagram and look out for the hashtags:


MP3 Entry Point

MP3 got the learning block off to an exciting start with a trip to the Reptile Cafe yesterday. Many of the learners took a risk and got their hands on some of the reptiles; some even were brave enough to have the snake around their neck! This Entry Point encouraged the learners to think about what they already know about different species, and to begin exploring their existing knowledge of the upcoming unit:
Existing, Endangered…Extinct?

Year 5 and 6 show how resilient they can be @ ISPP

The Year 5 and 6 learners battled hard in their football match at ISPP last night. The score was  very close right up until the end, with both teams showing great sportsmanship. Well done boys!

Welcome back!