LB3 Week 3



This week in learning journey we have been completing our learning about dinosaurs. We focused on science and international mindedness. When considering the habitats that animals live in, we also thought about how they have adapted to their environments. There was some real deep thinking happening about why plants and animals make these adaptations which we then linked to our thinking about dinosaurs. We created pic-collages of a dinosaur to display our knowledge of its adaptations and our understanding of why these have happened. We can’t wait to display all of our learning in our exit point!

Year 4

Year 4 have created their very own maths games using a variety of different clocks. They also answered a range of time related word problems to display their understanding by applying their knowledge and skills.

In literacy Year 4 have been completing their final drafts of their non-chronological report about a dinosaur of their choice. We practised using causal connectives to give our writing meeting and explain reasons for our dinosaur’s features.

Year 4 have worked incredibly hard right up until the end of LB3 and all the learning facilitators are extremely proud of them. Keep it up Year 4!

Year 3

In literacy we have been super cooperative and made whole class rhyming poetry. We had to write rhyming couplets about another learner which aimed to capture their personality and best qualities. 3J and 3R teamed up to perform these to each other and give feedback on each of the performances.

This week in Year 3 we have been remembering what we know! We have had some challenging tasks to complete so that we can see what skills we need to practise more next year. Year 3 have done brilliantly and everyone has tried so hard. We are really proud and it is evident that Year 3 have learnt lots this year in maths!

We were all stars of the week for using many of our personal goals when displaying our learning in our class assembly.

It is always sad when we come to these points in the year and we have to say farewell! A few of our wonderful learners will be going onto pastures new or returning to their home countries. We will miss them very much and wish them the best of luck for the future.

And finally…

Have an absolutely fantastic break! Stay safe and enjoy your free time with your family and friends. We look forward to seeing you all in the new year, 2019!

LB3 Week 2


On Wednesday, Year 4 spent the morning at NISC taking part in a multi-school sports day. Our learners were a true credit to iCAN, demonstrating a number of their personal goals throughout the long, very hot morning. Those particularly noted were their continued resilience to complete each activity (despite being very sweaty), cooperation and communication; working together as a team and communicating to succeed in the challenge, and principled; every learner showed support for their peers. Well done iCAN!


This week we have continued our science learning through the unit, Footprints from the Past.

We have been practising reading and using flow diagrams to put people, animals and dinosaurs into groups. We then went on to investigate food chains. We needed to apply our prior learning to determine whether the animals and dinosaurs were herbivores, carnivores or omnivores. We practised sorting animals and dinosaurs into food chains and created our own. We are now learning about adaptations considering the habitats animals live in.

Year 4

In literacy are working towards writing our final non-chronological report. To improve our writing, we have been practising using causal connectives within our sentences. We have practised using these when writing about our chosen dinosaur. We will then be applying them to our independent writing.

In maths we have continued learning about time. We have been reading and writing the correct time to the nearest minute on analogue clocks and consolidated our learning by playing time board games. Some of us extended our learning by creating time board games of our own.

Year 3

This week in maths, we have been revising what we have been learning in Year 3 so far. We have been looking at all the different methods we have been learning. It has been interesting identifying what we can remember and what we have forgotten. We have mainly been revising how to use the number line for the four main operations; addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

This week in literacy we have been exploring rhyme. We used a frame to help structure our ideas and generated loads of different rhyming sounds. Why not check out what we have produced? Which is your favourite?

LB3 Week 1

29 November 2018


Geography: Some of us have been extending are geography learning my using atlases to locate countries and continents, particularly where fossils have been discovered. It was a lot of fun!

Science: This week in learning journey we have been looking at how energy is transferred in a food chain. We looked at how each chain originates with the sun, which is then used by plants during photosynthesis. Working cooperatively helped us to find some really interesting food chains and present them in a fun way to demonstrate our understanding.

Year 4

In maths Year 4 have practising reading and writing the time. We have used analogue and digital clocks, and practised converting between the two. We have also practised different ways to say the time such as 2:45 being read as quarter to 3 and 12:55 being read as five to 1. We can continue to practise telling the time using the games in the Year 4 folder on the website below:

Login/ Password: icanpupil

In Literacy Year 4 have been planning a non chronological report about dinosaurs. They have selected a specific dinosaur to complete the report on and conducted extensive research using laptops, ipads and books.

16 November 2018

LB2 Week 5

16 November 2018

Year 4 Sleepover!

Last night Year 4 had a fantastic time sleeping over at school. The fun began in the day when we transformed our classrooms into camp sites, removing furniture and putting up tents. We then returned to school to make up our beds and take part in the activities: we went on a creepy night walk around the school (thank goodness we had flash lights!), we played games and then ended the night with a movie. In the morning we woke up early, packed up our things and got ready for the day ahead. Before breakfast we warmed up our bodies with a little exercise on the rooftop court.

The sleepover was a great experience for us all and helped us practise being responsible for ourselves and our things in preparation for the Year 5 residential.

Don’t worry Year 3, yours will be coming up in LB4.

What have we been learning?


In maths, Year 4 have been consolidating their shape and symmetry knowledge. We have continued to practise our skills and taken part in some shape problem solving to show our understanding. In LB3 we will be practising telling the time on 12 and 24 hour clocks, digital and analogue. Please help us to practise at home by asking us what time it is or how long until bedtime. There are also lots of games on the following website in the Year 4 folder.
Login/ Password: icanpupil

This week in maths, Year 3 have been learning about shape. We started by looking at what shapes are strongest to build with. We did this through a really fun activity. We built towers made from spaghetti and marshmallows inspired by a story called, “Iggy Peck Architect”. This was a great introduction to how shapes can be used and a great way for groups to work cooperatively and to problem solve! Well done Year 3!


Year 4 have followed in the footsteps of David Walliams by creating a new character for his book ‘The World’s Worst Children’. There are some really funny and unusual designs such as Liam the Liar, Selfish Sally and Disturby Herbie

This week in literacy 3R had a storytelling session with 3J and listened to their fantastic versions of The Marriage of Ganesh. We had to give constructive feedback about the skills that they had used in their writing and how they might improve it next time.

Family Learning Day was a great success. It was great fun to share our learning with our families. Thank you to all those that came.


LB 2 Week 3 and 4

9 November 2018


In MP2 we have been focusing on our history learning, all leading back to the learning goal: To use simple sources to gather information. After completing our Top Trumps cards with a vast amount of information, we decided on how we wanted to display them. They can be found on our learning journey walls, on display in the corridor and in our books. Please ask us to show you! We also investigated the theories for why the dinosaurs became extinct. To demonstrate our understanding we had to give reasons for why we believed certain ones and use evidence to back up our thoughts. We then moved on to our geography learning, beginning with making fossils. This was a lot of fun and we soon found out that lots of knowledge or thoughts about dinosaurs comes from these.

Year 4

Maths: Over the past week and a half, Year 4 have been focusing on shapes and their properties. We prantised describing them and sorting them using various methous (a venn diagram, grouping). We then investigated symmetry. We recognised lines of symmetry in shapes and created reflective, symmetrical patterns, physically using objects, by drawing and using websites.
Login: icanpupil Password: icanpupil

Literacy: After all of our hard work and practise of using the features of a biography, Year 4 have completed a big write based on the life and achievements of David Walliams in the form of a four paragraph biography. They were extremely resilient and continued right until the end of their task!

Year 3

Maths: During maths this week, we have been learning about time. We have learnt about different measures of time, eg – a millennium and a millisecond. We have also worked really hard when learning how to read an analogue clock. It has not been easy. It is, however very complicated. We have also learnt about 24 hour digital clocks and 12 hour digital clocks. The year 3’s have worked really hard this week and have been really resilient.

Literacy: In literacy we have been creating our own versions of The Marriage of Ganesh. We have developed our use of adjectives to describe our new characters and settings so that they are more interesting to the reader. Planning our ideas before writing has helped us think about how we will arrange our ideas into paragraphs.

In 3R we have been so busy this week preparing for our assembly. We had to use so many of our personal goals for our performance to families on Thursday. We hope you all enjoyed it; we had so much fun sharing our learning with you.

We are all stars for demonstrating all of our personal goals and working so hard towards a fantastic class assembly!

LB2 Week 2

26 October 2018


The dinosaur learning has really begun this week! We are focusing on the subject History and we have been practising gathering information from simple sources. We realised that we know a lot about dinosaurs already, so we focused on learning new dinosaurs to build on our knowledge. To achieve this, we also linked our ICT learning. We have been practising logging in and out of our emails, understanding that we must never leave ourselves logged in as others can then access our personal files. We opened documents to uses specific sources to research new dinosaur name, when it lived and draw pictures of what it looked like. Next we created a class timeline. We added our dinosaurs to this thinking about how long ago they lived and what a wide range of time they lived in.

Do you know any similarities or differences between the dinosaurs that lived in the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods?

Year 4


In Literacy, Year 4 have continued their good work based around biographies. We have identified specific features of a biography and completed work on writing in the past tense and writing in the third person.


In maths this week, Year 4 have been continuing to practise interpreting grahs. We completed our own bar charts to display collected data and then learnt what a line graph was. This was new to most of us. We used fun quizes to answer questions on the data and later, started to create our own line graphs. Ms Gemma and Mr Shaun have been very impressed with all the budding business men and women in their classes.

Year 3


In maths this week, we have been continuing our learning about fractions. We have moved on to finding fractions of numbers. This has not been easy but Year 3 have been extremely resilient this week. We have been finding fractions of numbers pictorially, this has helped us see what happens to the ‘whole’. Year 3 have tried incredibly hard this week and we are really starting to grasp this concept!


This week in Literacy we have been retelling the story The Marriage of Ganesh through freeze frames and role play. We acted out the main steps to help remember the story. Can you guess what happened in the story from the photos?


There are still 2 weeks to complete the enrichment task with a water theme. Be creative, be original and most of all, HAVE FUN!

Download File Water!

What do MP2 know about dinosaurs?

19 October 2018


What an exciting first week back we have had! On Wednesday morning, MP2 learners arrived at school to find out that something terrifying had happened. The MP2 stairwells, corridors and classrooms had been turned upside down! There were chairs and tables the wrong way up and all our equipment was in such a mess! We needed to investigate. Carefully, we looked for clues at the crime scenes and spotted giant footprints on the floor and walls. Loud sounds were echoing throughout the MP2 area when, suddenly, we realised… DINOSAURS had invaded our school! Next we reconstructed what might have happened the night before by taking photos and adding dinosaurs to them. It was a lot of fun! We also shared our existing knowledge and created questions to investigate throughout our learning. We are all very excited about this unit (especially Ms Gemma).

Year 4


For the next two weeks we will be focusing on data handling. Year 4 started their learning using pictograms and have then focused on bar charts. They have practised interpreting the information, answering questions about it, collecting their own data and transferring it into their own pictogram and bar chart.


Year 4 examined the features of a biography. They researched Usain Bolt and completed a range of tasks about his life. They really enjoyed reading about his success as a sprinter and watching him race in the Beijing, London and Rio Olympics.

Year 3


This week in literacy we have been learning the story of The Marriage of Ganesh. We acted out the story and made a story map to help summarise the key parts. We discussed whether or not we thought Ganesh had cheated in the story, using evidence from the story to support our reasons.


This week in maths, we have started to learn about fractions. We have learnt the definition of what a fraction ACTUALLY is (a part of whole). We have learnt that the larger the denominator (bottom number) the smaller the fraction. Year 3 did a paper folding activity to prove this.

LB1 Week 9

3 October 2018

Exit Point

This week at iCAN all learners from Y1-Y6 participated in the Water exit point. What a day it was! Thank you to all of the families who managed to make it into school to celebrate with the learners and see all of the hard work and learning that has taken place over the past 8 weeks.

Learners of all ages got to share with the families and other mileposts all of the geography, science, society, and international mindedness learning. In addition to this learners participated in an activity that simulated fetching water. The average distance covered for those fetching water in Asia and Africa is 6km per trip. The learners got to see how far they could walk carrying a 10L bucket of water in a specified time.

Water Week

All week we have been raising money to donate to an organisation called Trailblazers who help to provide clean, safe water in rural areas of Cambodia. The learners have participated in various fun activities including: a bake sale, water play, water quiz, face painting, crazy hair, and a water based dress up! Thank you to all those who participated or donated their time, money, and baked goods! We are please to say that we raised a significant amount of money to be used to build wells and provide clean safe water. We will share the exact amount just as soon as it is all tallied.

Stars of the Week

LB1 Week 8

28 September 2018


This week in learning journey, MP2 completed their water experiments. After making predictions using our prior knowledge, we practised writing a conclusion as a class, collaborating our ideas. Next we checked our rubrics to find out how we could add to our class conclusion and progress to the next level. By reflecting on our predictions and results, we demonstrated great understanding of the water cycle and key vocabulary such as evaporation and condensation. We have also taken part in a taste test as part of our society learning. We sampled three different kinds of water, deciding which was the tastiest. We then decided to make posters to persuade other learners around the school to drink water daily. We shared our knowledge of the effects lack of water has on our bodies. We also considered the environmental impact drinking bottles water has on the world around us.

Year 4


Year 4 have been analyzing a variety of story settings with the aim of creating their own for an adventure story. They completed work based around identifying appropriate nouns and using adjectives to describe objects found on a desert island.


Year 4 have been doing work based around addition. They have been introduced to column addition and worked through a variety of 4 digit addition questions. They also answered one step word problems which included understanding the words ‘total’ and ‘altogether’.

Year 4


This week in literacy we have been making links with our IPC unit On Tap. We have explored persuasive writing and how to encourage people to re-use, re-fill and reduce the amount of plastic waste that they buy. We had to really think about how best to get people to make better decisions that would impact on the environment.


This week in maths we have been learning about angles. We have had fun making ‘angle eaters’. We used these around the school to find as many different types of angles as possible. The learners are now confident at spotting acute, right and obtuse angles and most are confident at explaining their properties.

Coming up next week…

Please send any cake or cookie donations to Ms Gemma, Ms Leakena or Ms Bona or Tuesday before 1:00pm.

All proceeds will go to charities which install water wells and filters, enabling clean and accessible water, in rural parts of Cambodia.

Week 8

20 September 2018

Learning Journey

This week in learning journey we have been further exploring water pollution. After further research into the causes of water pollution, we made news reports to show the damage that it is doing to the environment. Through discussing the causes in more depth, we were able to look at solutions of how to reduce this pollution and our own impact on the earth. We are now excited to start making our own water filter systems to see if we can clean up dirty water to make it (nearly) clean enough to drink.

Year 3

​In literacy this week we have been producing our very own biscuit recipes. We used our previous week of baking to help us create a clear instruction text. The recipe needed to tell the reader exactly what to do and yet be simple enough to follow. Why not check out the recipe for yourself and try making these delicious biscuits…

In maths Year 3 have been exploring multiplication in lots of different ways. We looked at arrays, practised solving two and one digit multiplication sentences and attempted word problems which required a range of mathematical operations.

Year 4

In Maths, Year 4 worked on their measuring skills. They accurately measured a variety of objects and ordered them shortest to longest. The learners also completed a measuring task in which they had to create a pattern using different lengths of string.

During this wonderful week Year 4’s lovely, lively learners have busily been working on alliteration (using words with the same first letter sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words) to finish writing playful poems that create interesting, imaginative images in reader’s minds. They have produced some really wonderful poetry and had great fun using dictionaries and thesauruses to help them use adventurous, alliterative words to make their poems enjoyable to read aloud.

Stars of the Week

LB1 Week 6 On Tap!

7 September 2018


WOW! Another exciting week learning about our planet’s water. Early in the week, MP3 were kind enough to share their learning with us about water pollution. This is a topic that is very close to our hearts and we soon found out MP2’s love for animals and our Earth. We really are principled learners. We then built on our knowledge by researching further in our table teams. To embed our learning we used our literacy, presentation and drama skills to create a video, sharing the information and engaging our audience to think about what they can do to limit water pollution.

Check out our videos of our prior learning about the water cycle!

Year 4

his week the Year 4 learners have been using their rounding, estimation and partitioning skills to help them with mental subtraction. They have been practising mental subtraction In two main ways. Carefully subtracting parts of numbers in their heads, partitioning, as well as rounding numbers up or down to make them easier to mentally subtract. When rounding the had to remember to adjust their answers by thinking about how much they rounded by. Both of these skills were then put to use by thinking about real life word problems and with a fun classroom mental math treasure hunt.

This week the Year 4’s started a literacy unit of Poetry. Through the poem they have been introduced to alliteration. Alliteration is where most of the words in a sentence have the same beginning letter or sound. The learners have explored and played with words to write entertaining alliteration sentences using their names.

Download File!

Year 3


In maths we have been using different methods to practise subtracting numbers mentally. We used adding on to find the difference between two amounts and used approximations to make difficult amounts easier to calculate in our heads.


This week in literacy we have been writing instructions for baking biscuits. We watched a video recipe of how to bake gingerbread and listened carefully to see if we could hear the imperative verbs. We have been practising how to accurately use adverbs and conjunctions in a sentence to make our instructions more clear to the reader.

On Tap!

7 September 2018


Through our learning journey this week MP2 have continued to work on their geography learning. We have gained the knowledge of how water is treated to make it drinkable and made models of this process to consolidate. We then practised explaining each step and labelling accurately. Check our junk models and display boards outside our classrooms to learn more about our water themed unit.

Year 3


This week in Literacy we have been editing our amazing stories and changing the sentence structures to make them more grammatically correct. We created a code to help us understand what was needed in a sentence and used these to find the subject, noun, adjective, verbs and even some adverbs.


This week we have been learning about division. We have learnt that division means sharing equally. We started off by sharing into shapes and finding out answers to problems this way. We learnt, however, that this can take a long time if we are dividing with BIG numbers. We have, therefore, been learning how to divide on a number line. Since doing this we have worked out the relationship between division and multiplication and how they are the inverse to each others operations.

Year 4


This week we landed on planet Earth; as… aliens! We thought it would be nice to send a postcard home to our parents back in Outer Space so that they knew what we had been up to. We had to practise writing in the past tense and using apostrophe’s and exclamation marks in our writing. Take a look at what we got up to.


This week during math we have been further practising our mental addition skills. We have been practising two-digit and three-digit mental addition, and some calculations which involve carrying numbers into the next place value…all done in our heads without paper, calculators or smartphones to help us! We’ve helped our friends learn and explain their thinking by using lots of fun cooperative learning structures, which not only helped us with mental addition but also other important thinking and social skills. Next week we’ll be trying the inverse of mental addition – mental subtraction!

What have MP2 been up to this week?

31 August 2018

Entry Point – Check out the fun we had last week…

Year 4

Maths: In week, we have made sure that our skills of rounding to 10, 100 and 1000 are secure and have begun using those skills (along with the knowledge and skills of place value learnt at the beginning of the learning block) to help us with mental addition. We’ve been practising our essential number bonds (i.e. addition within 20) to help us with related addition facts, . 2+3/20+30/200+300/2000+3000. We are also beginning to use these facts to mentally calculate the total of 2 and 3 digit numbers in our minds by partitioning numbers into place using value.

Literacy : This week we have been continuing to focus on using accurate punctuation. We practised writing in the first person, pretending we were an alien that had crash landed on Earth! We wrote postcards to our families back on planet Zog, applying our sentence structure skills and demonstrating our understanding of punctuation by using full stops, commas, apostrophes and some of us, even speech marks in our writing.

Year 3

Literacy: This week in Literacy we have had so much fun innovating the story of The Gingerbread Man. We have written about Ninjabread men, Gingerbread girls and so much more! Using interesting adjectives and adverbs, we tried to create characters that made the story fun or exciting. Practising using inverted commas, to show when a character is speaking, has been tricky but we are now starting to get the hang of it.

Maths: This week in maths we have really been challenging ourselves. We have been doing multiplication. We started off by making and using arrays to help us solve multiplication problems. We then moved onto using number lines to solve multiplication problems. Using these methods really helped us understand the value of the numbers we were working with. We finally moved on to using the grid method. This has been tricky but the children have persevered and worked brilliantly. Well done year 3!

Learning Journey: On Tap

In learning journey this week, we have been focusing on our geography learning. We began by recapping the water cycle and learning the accurate geographical terms to describe the processes water goes through. We then thought about how water gets to our taps and what happens to it when it goes down the drain. The knowledge was challenging to understand but, with resilience, we managed to create our own maps and diagrams of the water treatment process. Now we have completed the maps we are recreating our own junk models of the sewage water treatment process

Please send in your junk next week to help us make and models and understand the processes in more detail

REMINDER: Wednesday 5th September
Learners go home at 11:30

What’s been happening in MP2?

23 August 2018

IPC – Whole School Entry Point!

This year at iCAN, we decided we would try something we have never tried before. Nursery to Year 6 took part in a whole school entry point! We found out we would all be learning about water. Through our learning, we will be thinking about the importance of water and the reasons why we should not waste it. To get us thinking, we played a variety of exciting, fun water games.

Challenge 1: Pass the water from cup to cup down the line.

Challenge 2: Run cups of water to the other end of the rooftop court.

Challenge 3: Pass the water from cup to cup down the line.

Challenge 4: Pass the water from cup to cup down the line.

MP2 will be focusing on the unit On Tap. They will learn how lucky we are to have access
to clean, fresh water and how not everybody in our world is as lucky.

Year 3

Literacy: This week in literacy we have been trying to use a range of interesting adjectives to describe the characters in our stories. We practised using different strategies to make our choices more adventurous. We even tried putting a combination of adjectives together or using an adverb to describe the verbs that they would be doing in the story. We are really excited to start innovating the story of The Gingerbread Man with our new exciting characters!

Maths: This week in maths, we have been focusing on subtraction. We have been using a number line to help us subtract. We have been subtracting by finding the difference and therefore adding on a number line which strengthens our knowledge of the inverse operations. We have been playing some fun mental maths games using dice and lego to make subtracting really fun.

Year 4

Literacy: Using correct punctuation in their writing has been the focus of Year 4 Literacy this week. It is important that punctuation is used consistently in all their writing. This week the learners were practising the punctuation they had mastered in Year 3 and have been introduced to the apostrophe of possession. They have learnt how to use an apostrophe of possession and have practised including them in single sentences. The challenge is now to ensure their writing includes perfect punctuation!

Maths: This week during maths, Year 4 have been practising the useful skill of rounding 2,3 and 4 digit numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. This skill helps students be able to estimate and solve real life money problems, for example calculating how much money to take shopping. Next week we will be further developing our rounding skills and using them to help us with mental addition and subtraction.If your child would like to practise and have fun rounding at home, there are some fun rounding games at this website involving spaceships and sharks.

What have MP2 been up to this week?

16 August 2018


Through our learning journey unit, Brainwave, MP2 have been focusing on our brains! To begin our learning, in mixed Year 3 and 4 teams, we were given the challenge a creating model brains out of a selection of materials. It was a little bit busy and very challenging, but we had a lot of fun being creative. We followed our entry point with a knowledge harvest where we matched questions and answers shared all our existing knowledge and asked questions to improve our future learning. Next, through science, we reminded ourselves of the 3 main parts of the brain and their jobs. To reflect on our research through texts and videos, we answered follow up questions. All our learning facilitators were impressed with the knowledge we had retained. We followed on from this by thinking about how we learn through knowledge, skills and understanding. We were given exciting tasks to do such as bouncing a ping pong ball on a bat, dancing the routine of the gummy bear song and making origami animals. We discovered that, much like our school learning, we became better at everything with practise.

Our Brainwave unit soon came to an end with our exit point. In teams, we needed to find balloons around the school. Inside each balloon was a question. We had to remember the answer to the question and find the answer in another location around the school where more balloons and questions were waiting. We had a fantastic time popping balloons and applying our knowledge. It has certainly been a very noisy Friday afternoon. POP!

Year 3

Maths: This week in maths, we have got our teeth stuck straight into addition. We have been learning how to use a number line to add 1 digit integers. We have also worked up to adding 3 digit integers on a number line. This has involved partitioning and a high level of place value. The learners have made a FANTASTIC start to the year. They are definitely enthusiastic mathematicians!

Literacy: This week in literacy, we have been having so much fun learning the story of The Gingerbread Man! We had to practise our speaking and listening skills to perform the story to each other. We used freeze frames to capture each important step of the story which helped us to remember all of the different things that happened.

Year 4

Maths: During the first 2 weeks of Year 4 maths, we have been reviewing and developing our place value knowledge, skills and understanding. We’ve looked at what each digit in a number represents, finding 10, 100, and 1000 more and less than a given number, and ordering and comparing numbers from 0 up to 10,000. We’ve also been estimating quantities of objects using real examples, pictures and descriptions. We now feel prepared to move on to rounding numbers and further developing our maths skills in week 3

Here are a few useful websites to help us practise:

Literacy: In literacy Year 4 have been refreshing their skills at writing recounts. After having such a lovely long holiday, they had so much to share. When they wrote their recounts, they thought about one of the events in the holiday that they enjoyed the most. They were reminded to use interesting vocabulary and practised using different time connectives and sentence starters. They learnt about different sentence formats such as simple, compound and complex sentences too, and tried to include examples of these in their writing. From all their stories, it is evident they all had a lovely holiday!


There will be a MP2 curriculum meeting in the 4G classroom on Wednesday 22nd August, 5:30 – 6:30pm.

This is an opportunity to find out what your child will be learning throughout this year, meet the MP2 team and ask any burning questions. We look forward to seeing you there.

MP2 2018-2019

9 August 2018


It’s the beginning of another year at iCAN and MP2 are as enthusiastic as ever!

Meet our MP2 Team…

Ms Gemma (4G) MP2 Leader and Primary Leader

In MP2 this year we have some new learning facilitators and some returning.
In Year 3 we have Mr Jonny, who joined us last year, and Ms Rosie who has moved from MP3.
In Year 4 we have Ms Gemma, who’s class will be supported by Ms Trish for literacy, and Mr Luke will be teaching 4S until Mr Shaun’s return.
We are all looking forward to a fabulous year ahead, full or fun and of course plenty of learning.

Mr Luke (4S) Year 4 Learning Facilitator/ EAL

Mr Jonny (3J) Year 3 Learning Facilitator

We look forward to meeting you all on

Wednesday 15th August

at the Parent / Carer Social.
5pm – 6pm

Ms Rosie (3R) Year 3 Learning Facilitator and Literacy Coordinator

On Wednesday 22nd August a MP2 curriculum meeting will be held in the 4G classroom to find out about what your children will be learning this year.

Please join us at 5:30pm – 6:30pm.