Happy Holidays!


This week we have been learning and exploring the festivals people celebrate during seasons around the world. We celebrated our learning having a Christmas party. We sang Christmas songs, played games and watched The Snowman.

We had fun joining the Reception exit point celebrating their learning with sharing food and playing games.

This week we have been practising forming numbers with various resources. We have been working hard, playing games on number recognition using the interactive whiteboard. We also enjoyed measuring snowmen with coloured cubes.

This week we have been busy in phonics finding words that begin with the letter sounds s,a,t,p,i,n. We played various letter sound games such as I spy with my little eyes and rhyming soup.


Learning Journey
There was great excitement in the reception classrooms this week as we started our Christmas festival topic. The learners shared their knowledge of Christmas and how they celebrate in their homes. They enjoyed many creative projects like hand print Christmas trees, decorating cookies, drawing on cards and decorating trees on the computer. Throughout the week in teams they have been expressing their knowledge of different festivals that have been covered and making information posters. Come and view them in your child’s room. We have also been writing Christmas cards, playing with arctic animals in the snow and listening to Christmas songs. On Friday the learners had a great time at our exit point Christmas party with iCAN play.We shared some yummy treats and played different games. To finish off a busy and short learning block, the children baked some Christmas cookies and decorated them (it was sticky job).

This week the learners have been revising their numbers up to 20. They have ordered them, written them and matched them with their value. Some children also enjoyed skip counting in 5s and making paper chains for our party.

We have been very impressed with all the learners; how many sounds they have remembered and how their skill of blending is improving week after week. In January we will assess them and move forward based on their abilities. Please note the reading bags are being kept in school over the holidays to allow the learners to rest and ensure they are kept safe.

Learning through play!


Learning Journey
This week we focused on learning about spring! We extended our knowledge looking at various websites and links on the weather changes during spring time. We made collages of butterflies and a spring tree. We also made rain clouds and beautiful rainbows.

In maths we have been learning about more and less. We enjoyed playing mucky monsters on the Interactive whiteboard.

Mucky Monsters

In phonics we have been playing mix-pair-share using rhyming words. We have also been practising Phase 1 aspect 4- rhythm and rhyme and aspect 5- alliteration through letters and sounds games and activities. We enjoy playing games listening to the initial sounds of our names and objects.


Learning Journey
The Year of the Pig- this week the reception learners focused on Chinese New Year celebration. They enjoyed watching the dragon dances and writing both numbers and letters in Chinese. We used lots of red and gold in our art projects. The children made dragons, lanterns and money envelopes. On Friday the learners took part in their own ‘great race’ and used ordinal numbers to record each others place in the race.

​The students have also been enjoying the birthday role play corner and making lots of yummy cupcakes for their friends birthdays.

In Phonics this week: The learners have covered all the alphabet letter sounds and they have been practising and putting these sounds together to make words. They have even started to blend and read 4 letter words. Our tricky words for this week are Mum and Dad: Can you find these words in books you read together?

Please note that reading books and blue bags will not go home over the holidays. Your child will still read next week however after Thursday the bags will stay in school.

With the help of the Great Race zodiac story the learners have been practising their ordinal number skills. They have also been learning the tricky skill of skip counting in 5s.

Next week learning reviews with families on Tuesday 11th and Thursday 13th December. Please check your allocated time and looking forward to see you all to discuss your child’s progress and learning.

Learning through play!


Learning Journey

For our Entry Point we got dressed up for our favourite season! We had so much fun finding out clothes people wear during each season. We looked at non-fiction video clips and books to extend our knowledge on seasonal clothes and changes of weather around the world. We also made a big 3D seasonal tree. We worked together to decorate the seasonal tree!

This week we have been working hard on recognising numbers 1-10. We counted and added the right amount of raindrops to the umbrella. We also sorted flowers and butterflies into different sizes and colours. We decorated shapes and numbers with different materials.

This week for letters and sounds we have been busy learning to listen to the initial sounds in words. We have also been practising our rhyming words with games. We are learning to recognise our names and we have been playing games such as “I spy someones’s name beginning with ‘s’ who can it be”


Learning Journey
This weeks celebration is one that involved lots of green and a little bit of luck- St Patrick’s day! The learners explored all things Irish with green rice, gold coins, Irish dancing, leprechaun hats and much more. They enjoyed watching videos of the parades and famous building lighting up green. Irish folk tales and flute music also filled our classrooms this week.

In phonics for the next 3 weeks both reception classes will be revising all our letter sounds and tricky words. The learners will be engaging in many hands on activities such as word bingo, sentencing building and sound fans. In the classrooms the learners have also been practicing their CVC word, reading and writing.

This week the learners have been counting all the way to 100 this week and learning how to skip count in 10s. We will progress from this next week to include skip counting in 5s. In the classroom they have been practicing writing teen numbers and ordering snakes by length.

Learning through play!

Family Learning Day and Come and Play Day!
It was fantastic to share all our learning with our families on Family Learning Day/Come and play day! A big thank you to all our families who joined us in our learning! It was indeed a fun day!


Learning Journey
This week we had our EXIT POINT celebrating our learning about FOOD. We had fun going on a food hunt at iCANPLAY. We paired up and found food and shared it,naming the different type . We also discussed healthy and unhealthy food. We made healthy sandwiches and enjoyed eating them. It was very yummy!!!!!!

In LB 3 we will be starting our new topic SEASONS!
How many seasons are there in a year?
What is the weather in Cambodia?

This week in maths we have been practising arranging numbers from 1-10 using the Lego blocks and doing the structure game ‘line up‘. We also compared different sizes of leaves and measured them with cubes.

In phonics this week, we continued to explore rhyming words. We have also been practising tuning into different sounds we hear in our environment. We had fun making marks on paint and sand.


Learning Journey
This week in topic we have been learning all about the Cambodian Festival, ‘Bon Om Touk’ (Water festival). The learners made their own boats and we had our own boat racing in the swimming pool. We have also been testing about knowledge on capacity and discussed and experimented with different containers and jars trying to predict which holds more water. It was fun testing our predictions.

In phonics we have been learning the sounds ‘ss’ and l/ll. The high frequency words for this week were ‘an’ and as’. We played a lot of interactive phonic games trying to segment and blend the words.

This week in Math we have been learning about patterns. We made colourful patterns using mosaic boards, pegs and colourful cotton reels to make different patterns. We focused on learning making patterns using 2, 3 colours or things to follow different patterns like ABABAB, ABBABBABBA, BAABAABAA, ABCABC.

We have been learning one of our Personal Goals-Cooperation. We played lots of games where we have to work as a team and cooperate. We worked hard to pass the hula hoop around the whole circle without letting go of our hands. We also played toss the balloon and made sure it did not touch the ground and that every member had a turn.

Have a wonderful water festival!

Learning through play!

NEXT WEEK………………………………..


Come and share the wonderful learning experiences that your child has enjoyed.

Tuesday 13th November9:30– 10:45 am at iCAN PLAY

Looking forward to seeing you all on Tuesday!


Come and share the wonderful learning experiences that your child is learning in the class.

Tuesday 13th November!

Learning Journey
This week we have been learning about healthy and unhealthy food. We enjoyed making a healthy Pizza. We have also been learning how to stay healthy through looking at various websites and links. We sorted fruit and vegetables, as well as healthy and unhealthy foods, using 3D food, toys and pictures. We discussed and made large unhappy and happy teeth to stick healthy and unhealthy food onto. We enjoyed painting and making watermelons.


This week we have been practising our rhyming words with various letters and sounds games. We enjoyed playing cross the river with rhyming words. We have also begun to listen to initial sound in words. We played various games and activities listening to and saying the initial sounds in words.

This week we have been making patterns with shapes and making pictures using the shapes. We also focused on counting the corners and sides of different shapes. We enjoyed working in pairs to practise.


Learning Journey
Moving on from our exciting birthday topic last week, the learners explored the colorful Diwali festival. This Hindu festival is based around lights and so each child made their own Diya light out of clay, decorated it in bright colours and together we lit all the diya’s for a special Diwali celebration. Along with this the learners enjoyed dancing to some Indian music and listening to the story of Rama and Sita, Another symbol of Diwali is beautifully decorated rangoli patterns outside peoples homes. The children used the computers to paint colourful rangolis and also explored a new texture of rice to make symmetrical rangoli patterns. Look for these in the early years space display board in the coming weeks.

As part of the transition to LB3, both reception classes have been learning new letter sounds together. This week they have covered ‘b, f and ff’. The learners have also been improving their reading understanding and vocabulary

Can we please remind parents to bring in the blue book bags each day so we can read in school with each child and change their book when needed.

With the help of Diwali Rangoli designs the learners have been practicing making lots of different patterns- letter pasterns ABABAB, AABAABAAB and ABBABBABB. They used cubes, pegs and beads to complete and make their own patterns.

​What patterns can you find in your house – boy, girl, boy, girl – fork, knife, fork, knife, fork, knife – book, teddy, book, teddy, book, teddy ect……

Learning through play!


Learning Journey
This week we have been learning about different types of bread. We looked at non-fiction video clips on how bread is made. We listened to the story The Little Red Hen and had fun acting out the story. ​We enjoyed pounding bread crumbs and in art and craft making a pizza.
Next week we will make our own yummy Pizza!

This week we have been looking at rhyming words through nursery rhymes and stories. We have also been making silly soup and crossed the river with rhyming words. We have been practising recognising and writing our names in glitter and flour.

This week we have been learning number rhymes such as ‘5 Green Speckled Frogs, 1 Elephant and 5 Fat Sausages’. We had so much fun acting out the rhymes and counting. We enjoyed listening to the story TEN-IN-THE BED.
We also practised writing numbers (1-5), (1-10) using different materials in the tuff spot tray with chalk and glitter.


Learning Journey
This week was our entry point for our new topic FESTIVALS. We started with an exciting birthday party for Chester and Kala. All week the learners prepared by making decorations, party hats and door signs. On Thursday they even made special party food: jam and cheese sandwiches and chocolate crispy buns. The learners also used their writing skills to make invitations for iCANPLAY and Nursery learners as they joined our Friday party. From Friday one child a week will take Chester (RH) or Kala (RV) home for a weekend adventure.

This week in phonics we learned the sounds h and r and the words ‘no’ and ‘go’- see if you can find these words or sounds in the stories you read together. The learners have been enjoying pointing out different sounds they hear such as r in Royal Palace and p for party.
Please try and remember to bring your child’s book bag to school each day.

This week we continued to focus on our 3D shapes. The learners have been exploring the different shapes, counting how many sides, faces and corners they have and finding these shapes in their environment. Please find attached the YouTube video about shapes that they particularly enjoyed- they will be happy to sing it for you.

We hope all the learners have shared with you the things they saw at then Royal Palace. During our trip we looked out for different 3D shapes hidden in the building, gates and plants. The learners enjoyed pointing out the cylinder shape of the columns, the triangular prism of the roof and the cone shape on the top of the buildings. They also enjoyed a yummy 3D shape snack.

Learning through Play!


Learning Journey
This week our focus was Vegetables. We have been learning the names of the vegetables through non-fiction books and video clips. We investigated some real vegetables, felt and smelt them and discussed what our favourite vegetables are. We enjoyed making a vegetable pie by cutting and chopping vegetables. It was so delicious. In our art and craft, we made carrots and used them for vegetable printing.

In phonics we have been playing mix-pair-share using rhyming words. We have also been practising Phase 1 aspect 2′ General Sound Discrimination: Instrumental Sounds’ through letters and sounds games and activities.

This week in maths we sorted vegetables and fruits. We also focused on counting 1-5, 1-20 using various counters and number songs. We have also been learning about more and less. We enjoyed playing mucky monsters on the Interactive whiteboard.
Muck Monsters


Learning Journey
For the past few weeks we have been learning and exploring all things about SPACE. We learned about the planets, rockets and astronauts. We made a human planet Earth, learnt space songs and enjoyed finding out and exploring how astronauts live in space.

This week during our topic ‘SPACE’ we had fun learning about aliens. We used our wild imagination to create fantastic alien caps and pictures of aliens. To celebrate our learning of space we had fun having an alien party as our Exit Point. We made alien cupcakes, alien cookies, asteroid popcorn and a green coloured alien drink. We enjoyed our party, taking part in many games and activities.

This week in phonics we have been learning the letter sounds ‘e’ and ‘u’ and the high frequency words ‘and ‘ & ‘I’. We are starting to segment and blend words in simple sentences. We also read the story Elmer the Elephant and did a patchwork colouring during an ICT session on the computer. We love to play phonic games by segmenting and blending simple phrases on the interactive white board.

How to support your child’s reading at home.
Your child will start taking home picture books in their blue book bags from week 2 of LB2. Here are some useful tips that will help when supporting your child on their reading journey. Remember to keep the experience informal, not stressful and comfortable. Ask your child to pick an area in your home that feels quiet and comfortable to them. Maybe you could add blankets and cushions to this area. Reading with your child should be an enjoyable experience for both child and parent.

  •  First tell them about the author and illustrator of the book. Look at the cover and name of the book- ask questions like; what you think this book might be about? Is there anything in the picture that might give us a clue?
  • While exploring the pictures talk about the names of the characters, how they might be feeling and why, what might happen in the next page, how they might feel if something similar happened to them?
  • You might like to search for different objects in the pictures starting with different sounds. For example ‘can you find two things in the picture that start with s” (sun and sock). Similarly you could play ‘I spy with my little eye something starting with N” (child might answer nest)
  • Once you have finished the story ensure you ask your child questions about the story. Comprehension is very important and often missed. Questions such as; tell us can one character we meet in the story? , Where did the story take place, a city, a house, a forest? , What did x character do that was bad/good in the story, How did x character feel when x happened?
  • Please fill in your child’s reading record and ensure to bring their blue book bag to school each day. There books will be changed once they have read with a Learning facilitator three times and the Learning facilitators feels they are ready to take on a new story.

Please remember we are trying to instill a love for reading within the learners so make it fun and as comfortable as possible. If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s reading speak directly to either Ms Vijaya or Ms Helen.

Happy reading- watching a young child learn to read is a wonderful thing, enjoy!

We had been learning about measuring different lengths. We took part in a fun activity measuring the wiggly, curvy and straight lines with our footsteps, surprised with our predictions.

Next week we will be visiting the Royal Palace to enhance our learning about our environment and 3D shapes around the area. Kindly dress your child with suitable clothes and shoes for the trip and apply sunscreen before coming to school.

We will be leaving school at 8.00am on Wednesday the 31st October.

Learning through play!



This week we had our our Entry point Introducing our new topic for LB2 FOOD. We made a Food pyramid putting food in the right groups and tasted food such as fruits, vegetables, meat, sweets, dairy products,grains and cereals. We also used the story The Very Hungry Caterpillar and made a giant caterpillar, sticking on the food he ate through the week.

In Maths we sorted food, 2D shapes and used some caterpillar pictures to compare and sequence lengths using play dough.

In literacy we shared the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ and drew different foods the caterpillar eat through the week.


Learning Journey
Our learning went to infinity and beyond this week as we explored the world of being astronauts. This included how they eat, sleep and wash in space. An astronaut training course to get us fit and ready for our first mission. We even listened to stories read by real life astronauts in space. We have been REALLY enjoying the space topic and we are learning many things such as names of planets and different space equipment.

Hopefully they are sharing this new knowledge at home with you and your family.

Astronaut training course!

This week we have been focusing on 3D shapes and elements of each shape. Cube, cone, sphere, cylinder and pyramid are the mains names we have learned. The children have been using descriptive words to describe each shape such as ‘a cube has 6 sides, 8 corners and it uses the square shape. On top of 3D shapes, they have been looking at ordinal numbers and completing a pattern.

To start off the week we revised the sounds covered before the holidays (s,a,t,i,p,n,m,d,o,g).
This week we covered the letter sound c and the three letters that make that sound – curly c, kicking k and ck digraph. We add a bit of fun to our phonics and we made and decorated yummy cupcakes. The learners have also been working on high frequency words like ‘the” and ‘to’ this week.

Maybe your child can find these sounds or words in the books you read together.

Space exit point- Friday 26th October will be our space exit point. All week we will be getting ready to hold an alien party Friday morning. On Friday 29th your child will need to wear party clothes (shiny, sprinkles and fancy).

Learning through play!


This week we ended our water topic celebrating our learning having an EXIT POINT.
We had fun taking part in obstacle course to transport water in a cup to fill the bucket.

In art and craft we made water scene and enjoyed painting with marbles to create the sea.

We enjoyed exploring tuff spot trays with under the sea animals, counting frogs and ducks and using tongs to pick numbers and fish to sort into pots from the water.


Learning Journey
5,4,3,2,1- blast off! This week the learners have been exploring rockets and space. Using 3D shapes they built rockets and cut out paper shapes to make a rocket and they used junk modeling materials to construct rockets. On top of all this the learners continued to work on ordering the planets, space play dough and toys and engaging in role play.

his week we have been focusing on letter sounds ‘g’ and ‘o’. The learning facilitators have been impressed by the learners progress in phonics and how many sounds they can remember. Along with sounds we have been covering some simple high frequency words such as it, is, in, at.
​In the next learning block the learners will start bringing home picture books to share with you. More information will go home after the Pchum Ben holiday on reading at home with your child.

Learning about rockets was the prefect way to practice counting backwards. The students practiced counting down from 10 to 0 before the rocket blasted off. We continued to focus on length and height and arranging them in order. The learners also started to explore 2D and 3D shapes this week and they will continue to work on this after the holidays.

On Friday the learners dressed up in blue or had their face painted and donated money for charity. Thank you to all the parents for contributing and sporting. All proceeds will be donated to charities that contribute towards providing clean and accessible water in rural parts of Cambodia.

We would also like to take this opportunity to wish all the Early Years families a Happy Pchum Ben Break. School will be closed from Monday 8th until the 14th. School will reopen as normal on Monday 15th October.

Learning through play!


Learning Journey
This week we revised All About Me and focused on our family. We made a hand print family tree and drew our family members. We looked at family photos and discussed each member, thinking about what roles they do in their family. We shared stories of Kipper’s family and Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

his week in Nursery we continued looking at rhyming words through stories and songs. We played Rhyming soup, using a bowl and spoon singing the rhyming soup song and introduced objects or picture cards that rhyme.

ICAN PLAY learners have been having fun mark making with paint,sand and glitter using cotton buds and brushes. We have also been listening to mystery sounds and talking about them.

Sound starters

​In maths Nursery learners have been learning about more and less. We enjoyed playing Mucky Monsters on the Interactive whiteboard.

Mucky Monsters

iCAN PLAY learners have been comparing sizes and learning the mathematical language with pink towers and cylinders (big, bigger, biggest, small, smaller, smallest).


We ended our water topic celebrating our learning having an EXIT POINT last week on Thursday. We shared all our wonderful new knowledge with parents. The learners have explored many different aspects of water and have lots of new knowledge. Thank you to all the parents who joined us!

Learning Journey
This week we started our new topic SPACE!
For our ENTRY POINT we had so much fun making a human planet Earth with our bodies. We dressed up in green and blue colours and made a cooperative effort to make our planet earth.

Our focus for this week was on planets. We have been learning and exploring planets in our solar system. We have also been learning a song about the eight planets. We looked at non-fiction books and video clips to find out more information on planets and the solar system. We have also been exploring our tuff spot trays with planets, stars using magnifying glasses. In art and craft we made a huge planet earth collage tearing blue and green coloured paper, marbling planets and we made planet hats. We have been role-playing in space, pretending to be astronauts that are exploring.

This week in maths we have been ordering planets in relation to how close they are to the sun. Together we placed the planets in the correct order. We also counted cubes in 10’s as a base for all teen numbers. 10+1=11 ,10+5=15 etc

n Literacy we have been looking at letter sounds /m/ and /d/ and have been finding out what objects begin with these letters. We are learning to segment and blend CVC words and have been using magnetic letters and boards to spell three letter words. We had fun making mmmmango, mmmilkshake with ddddiced mango. Later we enjoyed drinking the healthy drink. Geraldine the giraffe has helped us with our letter sounds this week. We are learning tricky words /no/ and /go/ and are using these words verbally in sentences.

Learning through play!

Thank you to all the families for coming to our Early Years and MP1 family event at Kids park Aeon mall. It was lovely to see so many learners playing together and having lots of fun!


Learning Journey
We continued exploring our Water topic and discussed the importance of water. We looked at water pollution and how we can all save water. We made picture collage of water pollution for art.

Next week we will be revising our water topic and also will be talking abut our favourite things such as …… my favourite food, colour, animal and make a little booklet.

In phonics for Nursery we have begun phase 1, aspects 3 and 4. This week we we shared Rhyming Books and songsthat has a familiar repeating/rhyming pattern such as The Gingerbread Man and Miss Polly had a Dolly.

In phonics for iCANPLAY learners have been identifying and naming the instruments being played. We have also been working on body percussion.

This week we have been counting 1-10 using our loud and quiet voices. We even sang number rhymes. We used basic shapes to create shape tree. We have also been using our interactive whiteboard to play counting games and make patterns with shapes.

The Gingerbread Man game
counting, matching and ordering


Learning Journey
Our last week of the water topic the learners looked at water pollution and how we can all save water. To share this learning with the rest of the school we are making ” save water’ posters to hang around the classrooms. We also tried our very own water filtration experiment and cleaned rubbish out of the school fountain.

We shared all our wonderful new knowledge with parents and took part in a school wide art project. The learners have explored many different aspects of water and have lots of new knowledge after the 7 week topic.

Next week we will start our next unit – Space. For our space entry point the learner need to wear either blue or green clothing to school on Monday. On this day we will make a human earth picture using our bodies on the roof court.

This week in phonics we learned two new sounds. The learners looked at the letter sounds ‘p’ and ‘n’ . To link in with letter sounds the children enjoyed some hands on learning while making ppppizzas and nnnnecklaces. We have also been focusing on the correct letter formation when writing. the sounds ‘p’ and ‘n’.

This week we continued looking at numbers 1-20, recognising them by sight, counting and ordering. We have also been linking with our water topic the learners explored the idea of volume and capacity. We used different types of containers and tested how many water could fit into each and if the same amount of water could fit into different sized containers.
Over the next few weeks we will also be focusing on counting one more and one less than the given numbers.

Learning through play!


Learning Journey
We continued exploring our Water topic and discussed the importance of water and how to save it from wastage. We enjoyed exploring and observing water transport. We looked at different types of transportation that goes in the water through non-fiction books and video clips. In art and craft we made 3D submarines and made sailboats.

In maths we continued practsing our counting skills through various number games. We had fun role playing Five Little Speckled Frogs and Five little ducks. We also read the story 10 in the bed.

In phonics we continued listening to indoor and outdoor sounds. We have been playing the sound lotto game to identify different sounds. We have also been playing animal sound games to guess which animal.

We enjoyed making marks using various materials such as shaving foam, sand and glitter. We also had fun drawing pictures on mirrors and whiteboard. We used cotton buds to make marks on a sea scene, drawing lines and circles.


Learning Journey
We continued to talk and discuss the importance of water and how to save it from wastage. This week our learning focus was on water transport. We learned the names of the different water transport and read many stories related to them. We also updated our knowledge on the different water transport by looking through YouTube video clips and non-fiction books.

In maths we have been looking at groups with more and less objects and we also tried to tag the correct number of link chains with the number written on the boat. We are learning lengths and sizes such as long, short, tall, big, little and small.We also used Tangram puzzle to make different sea transport.

This week we have been learning the letter sounds /t/ and /p/ from ‘Letters and Sounds’ phase 2 phonics program. We looked at objects which have these initial sounds around the classroom, at home and outdoor areas.

Learning through play!


Learning Journey
This week we have been continuing to explore and find out information about Under the Sea. We watched video clips and read information books on the creatures. We also looked at video clips of beautiful and colourful corals underneath the sea.

In art and craft we made sea turtles using paper plates, jelly fish and starfish. We then created a whole class Under the Sea scene to display. We enjoyed this very much
Next week we will continuing to explore water topic and our learners will be focusing on water transport.

In literacy we have been listening to the sounds in the environment and playing games on the Interactive white board listening and recognising animal sounds and instrument sounds.
​We have been practising making marks – drawing sea animals, shapes and faces. We had so much fun drawing with big chalk on the floor in the outdoor play area

This week in maths we continued to count 0-9, 10-20 with number songs and rhymes. We used large number mats to play a cooperative structure game: line up . We also played corner moving in different actions onto shapes and numbers.


Learning Journey
Our second week of sea animals was just as fun as the first week. The learners made mini oceans out of paper plates, sun catcher oceans on VERY sticky paper and enjoyed learning more names of creatures that live in the sea. To end the sea animal topic the learners explored measuring ingredients, mixing and rolling dough to make yummy starfish cookies. On Friday they will decorate them and enjoy them after swimming. Continuing our water topic next week the learners will be focusing on water transport.

It was a very exciting week for the reception learners as they started on their letter sound program. They learnt two sounds “s” and “a”. Together we thought about different words that start with these sounds and practised writing them in the air and on the carpet.

Ask your little learner about what words start with either s or a. Can they find these letters in books, signs or labels?

With the help of some under the sea shells the learners were practising ordering from biggest to smallest. In our maths session we also looked at more and less. The learners continued to practise number formation and ordering from 1-10 and 1-20.


Please remember to pack your child’s PE uniform in their bags on Tuesday. We are focusing on getting them to change independently. The learners should not be wearing their uniform to school on this day, they will change after lunch ready for PE at 12:30.

Learning through play!


In our phonics we have been revising sitting and listening skills as well as awareness of sounds in the environment and instruments.

Learning Journey
We continued learning about and exploring water. This week we have been learning about Under the sea. We are learning about living things that are beneath the seas and oceans. We have been focusing on sea animals through the ‘Rainbow Fish’ story. Next week, we will dive deep down underwater and study the ocean life through slideshows, non-fiction books and role play! We are also going to strengthen our knowledge by discovering more sea creatures and plants as well. We enjoyed making a large fish pot and hand print fish. We had so much fun making star fish cookies.

In maths we have been making comparisons between quantities using coloured fish and other objects. We are already observing amounts and have been trying to categorise them using mathematical words such as ‘more’ and ‘a lot’. We’re working on measuring sea creatures tall-short, long-short and big-small. We have also been learning to count numbers 0-9 through games and songs.

This week we have been listening to the story ‘Rainbow fish. After listening to the story we talked about sharing and the importance of having friends.


Learning Journey
In Reception our topic for this Learning Block is Water. We continued to talk and discuss the importance of water and how to lessen the wastage.
This week we are learning about Under the Sea. We have been learning the names of the different animals and read many stories related to the sea animals like Commotion on the Ocean, Rainbow Fish and Sharing the Shell. We completed many art activities with sea animals.

This week in phonics we continue to tune into sounds, playing Phase 1 games and songs from Letters and Sounds such as Metal Mike, Bertha the Bus, Cross the River, Old MacDonald had a Farm and the Silly Soup Song

In maths we have been looking at measurements. We are learning lengths and sizes such as long, short, tall, big, little and small.We also used Tangram puzzle to make different sea animals.

Next week we will introduce phase 2 of our Letters and Sounds phonics program. We will be learning sounds ‘/s/ and /a/’ and will be looking at objects which have these initial sounds.

Learning through play!

Our new topic for Learning block 1!

This year at iCAN, we decided we would try something we have never tried before. Nursery to Year 6 took part in a whole primary entry point! We found out, we would all be learning about water. Through our learning, we will all be thinking about the importance of water and the reasons why we should not waste it. To get us thinking, we played a variety of exciting, fun water games.

In our colour teams, we raced against each other towards one main goal:
Which team could transfer the most water, to and from a location?

Learning Journey
In our classrooms we continued to explore water through play, water drop art and thinking about all the ways we use water. The learners also discovered how rain is made through the water cycle and completed some ‘make it rain’” experiments. To finish off the week we looked at how plants absorbs the water and observed the colour changing of the flowers.


This week in phonics we have been listening to different musical instruments and matching them to the correct instrument. We have also been using an interactive animal sound matching game.

Animal bingo sound game-

In maths we have been continuing to count 0-6, 0-9. We used cooperative structure games and activities.
We enjoyed counting water drops and sticking them to the correct number. We also enjoyed pouring water into cups using the language: full and half.


The learners have been practising their listening skills and tuning into the different sounds found in words. They enjoyed feeding metal mike who only likes his food chopped up into each sound. They explored the sounds found in our school by going on an elephant ears sound walk. The learners found many interesting sounds such as the water fountains, the cars and children laughing. They have also been working hard on writing their names using capital and lower case letters.

Following on from our All about me topic last week the learners traced their body and measured their hand and foot. They learnt a new skill of using a ruler to measure the length of something. They have also been practicing their number writing and counting skills with various fun activities. With the joy of water comes the knowledge of volume and capacity. This has been fun to explore, test and retest; with a few spills along the way.

Learning through play!

iCANPLAY and Nursery news!

Learning Journey
This week in Nursery we have been exploring all the learning areas in the classroom. We have been singing nursery rhymes and settling our learners. We have also been focusing on the unit All About Me. We discussed our favourite colour, toy, fruit and much more. We enjoyed singing Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes to extend our knowledge of parts of the body. In art and craft we have been making hand print sunflowers and we painted self portraits.

In iCANPLAY and Nursery we follow the Letters & Sounds programme. Throughout the year we will be working on different aspects of Phase 1.

This week in Maths we have been learning to count 1-10 through various games and activities.

This week we have been listening to general sound discrimination – environmental sounds.
Next week we will be going on a sound walk listening to sounds around us.


Welcome back to Reception. The last two weeks we have been exploring all the seven areas through different activities involving playdough, water play, connecting straws, mark making, small world models and much more! We aslo familiarised ourselves with the different areas in the school like the basketball court, library and playground on the roof.

Learning Journey
This week we have been learning about ourselves. We drew a portrait of ourself using a mirror and enjoyed decorating a frame for the portrait using recycled environmental materials such as leaves, shells, buttons and glitter.
We have also been sharing our weekend news by drawing and communicating what we had done over the weekend. We are adapting to our new school routine, rules and new learning environments.

In maths we have been ordering numbers from 1-10 using different objects. We had a lot of fun practising our counting whilst doing this.

This week in our phonics session, we have continued to work on tuning into sounds, playing Phase 1 phonics games and songs from Letters and Sounds such as Metal Mike, Bertha the Bus, Cross the River, Old MacDonald had a Farm and the Silly Soup song. Next week we will go for a sound walk around the school with our special big ears to listen to different sounds

Come and join us for the Curriculum Meeting to find out more out your child’s learning on
Wednesday 22nd of August 5.30-6.30pm

Every Thursdays we have in Reception, iCANPLAY and Nursery Show and Tell.Can you please make sure your child brings in a toy to share with the other learners.

Welcome back!

Welcome back to a new school year at iCAN!

We are looking forward to a wonderful year in Early Years and having lots of fun filled, fantastic learning experiences!

Meet our Early Years Team…

We look forward to meeting you all on Wednesday 15th August
at the Parent/ Carer Social.

Happy Holidays!

What a fantastic year it has been for Early Years this Year! It has been an incredible learning journey . We have shared many wonderful memories together. Well done to all our amazing learners in all year groups, you have been absolutely brilliant in all the curriculum learning areas we have been learning about. You have worked really hard and made fantastic progress! It has been a pleasure to see you grow in confidence and has become great independent learners. Keep it up, you are all stars! We are so proud of you! Have a great summer holidays!

Happy summer holidays and best wishes from ​Ms.Anjali, Ms. Maggie, Ms. Vijaya, Ms. Gemma and the lovely EYs team.

Good Luck to all the EYS learners who are leaving iCAN and moving on with their next adventures! We will miss you! Don’t give up and keep going, and remember IT’S OKAY TO MAKE MISTAKES! WE ALWAYS LEARN FROM OUR MISTAKES!