At iCAN we know that our children learn best when they are hands-on, engaged and (most importantly) when they are having fun. We try to ensure that learning is all of these things wherever possible. ​Take a look at the learning that has been happening this week.

LB1-Week 7

What’s been happening this week? 

Friday 20th September 2019

A well deserved victory for our A Team Girls

After a difficult defeat last Friday at ISPP, our A Team girls came back with determination and a strong desire to win. They certainly did not disappoint! Communication was absolutely on point yesterday afternoon, allowing the girls to win against East West 15-13.

Thursday 19th September 2019

6V play it cool with their pattycake beat and

rhythm performance

6V showed excellent confidence and assurance in their class assembly this morning. A brilliant, polished performance- well done guys!

Throwback Thursday…

3B were working hard this week to refine some tricky skills in their swim session with Ms. Hadeel. The learners learnt how to do a seated crouching dive from the side of the pool and swim like mermaids on their backs without kicking their legs or feet. 

Stars of the Week

These learners have gone above and beyond this week to demonstrate one or more of our Personal Goals.

I have been really adaptable when settling in to my new school and following the classroom rules. I have been awarded Star of the Week for trying really hard with my English and using more language in the classroom.I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a cooperative learner during our trip to ​Aeon mall
I have been awarded Star of
the Week for being a good thinker and being respectful to everyone.
I have been awarded Star of
the Week for being an enquirer when reading and discussing stories
I have been awarded Star of
the Week for being creative and resilient when making my
sequencing story map. I had lots of great ideas!
I have been awarded Star of
the Week for being a great enquirer during our trip to Aeon Mall. I found lots of fruits from
different countries!
I have been awarded Star of
the Week for fantastic work in Literacy when writing an acrostic poem
I have been awarded Star of
the Week for being a great inquirer when problem solving using a new computer programme. 
I have been awarded Star of the Week for great thinking about my writing in Literacy lessons with many great ideas.I have been awarded Star of the Week for showing perseverance when solving Maths word problems.I have been awarded Star of the Week for my fantastic attitude towards all aspects of school life. I brighten up 3J!

We, all of 6V, were awarded Star of the Week for using lots of our personal goals to create and perform our awesome assembly. 

Tuesday 17th September 2019

Take a sneak peak into The Middle Years @ iCAN

For many of our learners, the end of Primary certainly does not mean the end of their iCAN school life. This week, we take a closer look into Middle Years learning to really see what goes on. From sports, to Language Arts, Drama to Science, join us for a sneak peak into the unknown…

Year 8: sustainable cities

Middle Years recently completed their first unit of this academic year, where the learners showcased their knowledge, skills and understanding in a variety of ways across all subjects.  In Humanities, within the Year 8 ‘Resilience’ unit, learners investigated the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of affordable and clean energy, as well as sustainable cities and communities. Learners applied their knowledge by creating presentations, websites and even Minecraft worlds to showcase their designs and ideas for what a sustainable community could like in Cambodia and how it can benefit the country as a whole. Facilitated by Mr. Richard Boniello, our Middle Years humanities learning facilitator, who is recognised from Microsoft as an Innovative Educator Expert (MIE Expert), learners were allowed choice and were able to present their understanding of the topic in creative, unique and innovative ways through the  integration of technology. Below are a few examples from our very own Year 8 iCAN learners! #MIEExpert #MicrosoftEDU

Year 7 Drama- Matilda

Many of you may have read the book or seen the film Matilda. So can you identify which characters our learners were taking on the role of? This iconic scene was re-created brilliantly by our Year 7’s in their Drama session with Ms. Cat today.
​Okay… here’s a clue. 
Think: chocolate fudge cake…

Monday 16th September 2019

sensational Saturday Swim Meet

A huge well done to all of our iCAN swimmers who took part in the swim meet at NISC on Saturday morning. For many of our MP2 learners it was their very first swim meet but they bravely held their own in front of the crowds. Thank you to those families who gave up their time to support our team. Official results will be posted soon…

Middle Years can really move…

Think you can dance? Well, Year 7 can really move. These energetic learners have been refining their skills and perfecting this tricky dance routine with Ms. Joaan. Watch this space for the video…

About last Friday…

Our Middle Years learners showed great determination and focus at ISPP on Friday afternoon against some challenging competitors. Fantastic sportsmanship was shown by all. Great work and good luck for the rest of the season. 

What’s been happening this week? 


Friday 13th September 2019

Coffee Morning: Habits of Mind

Thank you to everyone who joined the Habits of Mind coffee morning. It was fantastic to see so many people there. 

Thursday 12th September 2019

Throwback Thursday

About last week…

With so much learning going on in a week, it can be hard to capture it all as it’s happening. These beautiful pieces of art from MP3 definitely deserved a throwback of their own…

Who will help me bake this bread?

Unlike the lazy, selfish friends of the Little Red Hen, the iCAN children in RH were more than happy to help each other with all the steps needed to make bread. As part of their unit all about food, the learners spent the morning baking. They had to mix and knead the dough before leaving it to prove.  Finally it went into the oven… and then, of course, it had to be tasted!

4S start the year in style

4S kicked off the year in style with a sensational class assembly this morning. They were amazing risk takers on stage and shared loads of learning from the first learning block. From optical illusions to tennis keepy-ups, these learners had it all.
​ A fantastic effort 4S- well done!

Pyjamas in the pool?

6V took to the pool yesterday, fully clothed, as part of their survival training. The learners had to perform a number of different rescues, implementing the strategies that they had been taught to safely rescue each other from the water. 

Stars of the Week
​LB1- Week 6

These learners have gone above and beyond this week to demonstrate one or more of our Personal Goals.

I have been awarded Star of the week  for being a wonderful helper to younger learners in the class and playing cooperatively with my friendsI have been awarded Star of the Week for being an enquirer during our food topic and for asking many interesting questionsI have been awarded Star of the Week for being an enquirer during our learning journey sessions this week. 
I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a good thinker and being co-operative.I have been awarded Star of
the Week for having a growth
mindset and not giving up when drawing the plants from our science investigation. 
I have been awarded Star of the
Week for being a great enquirer in maths by always searching for a challenge.
I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a great enquirer during our science investigation and making careful observations.I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a great thinker in literacy and using lots of adjectives in my story.I have been awarded Star of the Week for a really creative story of The Journey from Bean to Bar written in the first person.
I have been awarded Star of the
Week for reading books with a keen enthusiasm and good understanding.
We have been awarded Star of the Week for a fabulous assembly! I have been awarded Star of
the Week for being very respectful of
the needs of other children in the class and helping them out.
I have been awarded Star of the Week for being
resilient in maths this week when multiplying
and dividing decimals.
I have been awarded Star of the Week for being
a great thinker when researching my poster
on traditional bread from my home country.

Wednesday 11th September 2019

Wake Up, Shake Up!

Wake Up, Shake Up has been given a shake up of its own! The children have been learning and practising a brand new routine with ​Ms. Hadeel. WUSU is a great way to energise and prepare for the day ahead. It’s not just for the learners; come along and join us for the next one!

7.20-7.30.a.m. Tuesday- Friday.
See you there!

Learning through play

The benefits of children learning through play are well known.
​Research, and numerous independent studies, have proven time and time again how important this is for children’s development. In this process, children are not just playing; they are making links with their existing knowledge. They are exploring, experimenting, and finding out what things can be done through trial and error. This free-flow exploration allows children time to make connections which will deepen their understanding of the world around them. Our learners may seem tiny now, but soon they will be the next generation of chemists, surgeons, programmers and architects.
What we see as play, has so much more importance.

What’s been happening this week? 

LB1- Week 5

Friday 6th September 2019

Ready to Learn

At iCAN we often ask our learners if they are ready to learn.  So how do we help them to achieve this?

Every morning our children have a morning meeting to help them to mentally prepare for the day of learning ahead. In these sessions, they are encouraged to share how they are feeling and can implement taught strategies to either energise, or calm, themselves.

​As today is Friday, our learners took part in Peer Massage. This may seem unusual in a school environment, but it actually has many researched and proven benefits. Not only does it teach our children about the importance of consent and respecting each other, it also promotes mood boosting feelings of happiness and an overall sense of calm. 

Thursday 5th September 2019

Stars of the Week

LB1- Week 5

These learners have gone above and beyond this week to demonstrate one or more of our Personal Goals.

I have been awarded Star of the week for
being polite, using good manners, and being respectful
to my friends and the learning facilitators.
I have been awarded Star of the week for
showing such good cooperation in the building area this week
with another learner.
I have been awarded Star of the week for
showing great cooperation, in the building area, with my friend.
I have been awarded Star of the
week for being friendly, kind, and a very good communicator.
I have been awarded Star of the Week for
being a resilient and engaged learner while retelling, and writing,
the story Oliver’s Vegetables.
I have been awarded Star of the Week for
being a thinker in literacy and for creating a rhyming string.
I have been awarded Star of the Week for being
such a resilient learner; I’ve been working hard to complete
my detailed story of Oliver’s Vegetables.
I have been awarded Star of the Week for always being a
respectful and resilient learner. ​I am such a fantastic role model!
I have been awarded Star of the Week for showing
resilience when completing difficult work.
I have been awarded Star of the Week for super
work in Literacy when identifying features of a biography.
I have been awarded Star of the Week for fantastic effort in maths
with my subtraction work.
I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a
good enquirer in science; I have been asking good questions
and giving thoughtful answers.
I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a
respectful and supportive learner. I always offer help and
encouragement to my classmates.
I have been awarded Star of the Week for my creative presentation
skills in writing.
I have been awarded Star of the Week for using my previous
learning to extend my understanding of our science goals.

4S are getting all defensive…

4S Basketball: P.E.

4S were practising  their tactics in a game situation today during basketball with
Ms. Hadeel. Each team took turns to attack and defend so that they could practise reacting to various situations.

The learners had to try to implement the three different passes which they had previously learnt: the bounce pass, overhead throw, and chest pass. 

1P explore measuring with multi link, mini creatures…and much more!

Our 1P learners had great fun today exploring non-standard measurements in maths. They helped each other to draw an outline of their body and then used a rage of objects to measure different parts of their body. 

What’s the time Mr Wolf? 

Wednesday 4th September 2019

Cooperative Learning What’s that?

6B use a round table consensus, in science, to learn from each other

Our school uses Cooperative Learning practices in every class. This process ensures that our learners engage and participate fully in the lesson. The Cooperative Learning structures require equal participation of every person and are a fantastic way to allow children to learn from each other.

​Our learning facilitators are there not to teach, in a traditional sense, but are there to facilitate this process. By sharing ideas, opinions and values, our learners become increasingly confident and eloquent in their own views. 

Today, 6B used a round table consensus to share their own definitions of what condensation is . Once every learner had recorded their own definition, they shared and combined them to make one, whole table, consensus.

In Cambodia many local children will never learn how to swim.
​At iCAN we value the importance of ensuring that all our learners feel safe and confident in the water. Our children are encouraged from a young age to put their face into the water and challenge themselves to swim below the surface.
Our RH learners were amazing risk takers today, swimming down to pick up hoops and sticks from the bottom of the pool 

The Cup Song? 

This tricky song requires, you guessed it, a cup. Actually it requires excellent timing, rhythm and concentration too! 2R were incredibly resilient today and managed to clap, hit the cup, and pass the cup, all in time for the next part of the song. Very impressive! 

Tuesday 3rd September 2019

4T get creative with Ms. Maggie…

Our learners absolutely love their weekly art session with Ms. Maggie!

At iCAN, the specialist learning facilitators carefully tailor each session to ensure that our children progress and develop in far more depth than would be possible within class time.

​The learners also benefit from having a separate, customised space, which allows them to fully explore their creativity. 

4T used black marker pens today to think about pattern and optical illusions. First they experimented with a range of linear marks and then made these into patterns; they will later be using this net to form a cube. 

Monday 2nd September 2019

5G challenge themselves out on the basketball court…

Out on the court today, 5G practised their
lay-ups with ​Mr. Cathal in their
P.E. session. The learners had to try
to maintain momentum from beginning to end
to achieve the maximum height possible
from their throw.





3J face their fears head on…

3J were working hard to feel more confident with submerging their face in the water today. For many of our learners this is a scary skill and something that they need to have a lot of resilience with. They were doing a great job of challenging themselves and taking a risk outside of their comfort zone. 

What’s been happening this week?

LB1- Week 4

Friday 30th August 2019

2R are inquirers…

Seed investigation

2R were fantastic enquirers today, exploring the contents of many different fruits. They used: peppers, tomatoes, avocados, watermelon and dragon fruit to investigate different seeds.

The learners first made a prediction about which fruit they thought would contain the most seeds. After coming to a group, and then a class, consensus they got stuck-in to the fruit to gather their findings.

Later, the children discussed which tools they thought would be most suitable for the task; many chose tweezers, scoops, and netting to capture the seeds.

Many of the learners initially believed that the dragon fruit would contain the most seeds. However, was that the case?

Seed investigation

You will have to ask your child at home to find out what they have learned from their experiment!

Thursday 29th August 2019

Stars of the Week

LB1- Week 4

These learners have gone above and beyond this week to demonstrate one or more of our Personal Goals.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a fantastic helper during tidy up time!

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being adaptable and helping my friend in class.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a good enquirer and communicator.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being an enquirer during our food entry point.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being an excellent thinker and writing independently in literacy.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for always having a fantastic attitude in class towards my learning.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being adaptable with class rules, maths, and literacy.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a resilient learner and always trying my best.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for super work in maths when answering word problems.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a fantastic, communicative talk- partner, and a hard-working thinker in all of my learning.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being an excellent team player in group activities.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for showing confidence and taking risks when answering questions.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being really principled and focused in my learning. I’m a super role model to others!

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a good thinker and communicating my ideas with growing confidence.

Wednesday 28th August 2019

Rabbits, giraffes and starfish in the iCAN pool?

Well, not actual animals, but 2R were very convincing today when they practised being tall giraffes, floating starfish, and springy rabbits.
The learners showed amazing risk taking by braving the depths of the iCAN pool in search of dolphins and sharks below the surface. 

2L develop their skills in P.E. with Ms. Hadeel

2L were exploring the difference between rolling and throwing the ball today. They thought about how to position their body to use the opposite hand and foot when rolling the ball. 

Nursery learners take a morning dip with Mr Narak…

This morning the children from Nursery were practising how to safely get in, and out of, the pool before building their confidence with a running game. 

Tuesday 27th August 2019

‘Who will help me make this bread?’ 

Our iCAN learners will!

iCAN Play, Nursery, and RH had their Entry Point today- all about food.

The learners explored where different foods come from and had the opportunity to get stuck in to a range of hands-on activities. After listening to a story about a farm, the children recreated parts of the story by independently exploring the different stations. Outside, they tried: milking the cow, gathering eggs from the hen house, digging for vegetables in the garden, and so much more!

Using real vegetables, the children expressed their creativity by printing with paints; they discussed the colours that they needed to match the vegetables. Inside, the learners ‘made bread’, by shaping, rolling, cutting and filling trays or molds. Using real tools, they were able to practise sifting the flour from the grains, and making their own bread- just like the Little Red Hen had in the final story.  At the end of the session, the children loved watching the LSAs act out the story and joined in with lots of the refrains. Thankfully, our learners were incredibly principled at tidy-up time, nothing like the lazy dog and cat! They quickly set to work sweeping away all of the flour.

6V use their imagination to explore linear drawings with Ms. Maggie

Chair drumming? It’s a thing, and 6B are really good at it!

Monday 26th August 2019

Lots of focused learners…

3B have been adding the finishing touches to their self portraits today and demonstrating how resilient they can be. 

A sinking feeling?

More of a floating feeling in the iCAN pool…

3J have been learning how to tuck float this morning with Ms. Hadeel. The learners had to try really hard not to sink too much in the water and try to keep as close to the surface as possible. They practised lots to see if they could improve their positioning in the water, whilst maintaining their position in a tuck hold. 

4T take risks with rhythm sticks…

As part of their Rhythm and Beat unit, 4T have been using rhythm sticks to keep a beat in their music specialist lesson with Ms. Joaan.
​Some of the learners were even able to throw and catch the rhythm stick whilst keeping in time to the beat!

What’s been happening this week?

LB1- Week 3

Thursday 22nd August 2019

If you go down to iCAN PLAY today… watch out for the CROCODILES!
Our youngest learners had loads of fun exploring different movements in their P.E. lesson this morning.
While the ‘crocodiles’ were sleeping, the children practised moving around in many creative ways.
But once those crocodiles were awake again they had to…


Can you keep to the beat?

3J use their resilience to see if they can…

LB1 Week 3

Stars of the Week

These learners have gone above and beyond this week to demonstrate one or more of our Personal Goals.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a kind and helpful friend to our new learners.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being resilient in literacy and making sentences from the story The Little Red Hen.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for working cooperatively in maths and being resilient in my learning.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being an excellent communicator during our hot seating activity in Literacy.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a respectful learner and friend.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being cooperative and a great thinker

I have been awarded Star of the Week for always showing respect through my words and actions.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for always being so enthusiastic about my learning.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for settling in so well in my new school, and for being really adaptable.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for making a positive start to life in 4S.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a fantastic thinker in maths doing column method addition.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a good thinker and sharing my ideas with the class.

I have been awarded Star of the Week for being a super risk taker by always being willing to share my ideas and answers.

Wednesday 21st August 2019

Meanwhile in the iCAN pool…

At iCAN the learners are encouraged to feel happy in the water from a young age. To build water confidence, even our tiniest learners can be seen splashing about in the water. 

Being principled pays off for our iCAN Swim Team…

While many of us were still waking up this morning, our dedicated Swim Team were working hard for Ms. Hadeel in the iCAN pool. These principled learners train regularly to push themselves to be the best that they can be. 

Year 6 Literacy

As part of their new literacy unit, the Year 6 learners made scones this morning for their very own, very traditional, English Cream tea. Throughout the learning block they will be using the text, The Butterfly Lion,  to explore a variety of writing skills. 

2R explore rhythm with Ms. Joaan…

2R learners had to be risk takers today and try to keep the beat whilst introducing themselves to different children in the class.

Tuesday 20th August

Today some of our younger learners have been busy experimenting with water in the Tuff Spots and using play dough to explore a range of skills.

You can access many of the sites
that we use in school, at home too.
These can help your child to become
more confident with their sounds and

Primary Entry Point- Monday 19th August

On Monday, the whole of Primary got together for the launch of the new learning journey Entry Points. The learners participated in various activities to see if they could identify different foods and drinks. After a blind chocolate tasting session, they then explored a range of bread dough shaping methods, and finally made predictions about what they thought each liquid might be, based on its colour, smell and taste.

This learning block, the learners are thinking of
ways that they can strive to be more adaptable.
Being adaptable can be hard, as we like our
routines, and change can be tricky. Sometimes,
to be adaptable, we have to compromise
or do something differently to what
we would like to do.

Have you been adaptable this
learning block?

How might you try to be more
adaptable this year?

What’s been happening this week?

LB1- Week 2

                        Our learners enjoy playing board games in the new outdoor space.

EY and MP1:

Our learners are cooperative and principled

The children at iCAN play showed how cooperative and principled they could be when tidying away all of the equipment in the outdoor space.

We are… resilient!

Year 1 had to be very resilient in P.E. whilst having fun with Ms. Hadeel. The learners were finding different ways to balance a bean bag. In pairs they had to think of as many places that they could balance the bean bag, on their body, and then try to keep it there whilst moving around. It was tricky! 

We take risks…

The learners loved dancing and singing in their music lesson with Ms. Maggie this week…