
March 21st, 2017

Our Next Talk Topic is…Magic

IPC Learning Journey

MP1 were very excited to start our new unit From A to B this week. Our new unit is all about transport and travel. We began with our knowledge harvest: thinking about the different types of transport we know already. Some can fly through the air whilst others can float on water. What types of transport can you think of?
​For our entry point we brought our own bikes, scooters, skateboards, roller skates etc. into school and practised our safety rules in the playground. We can’t wait to learn more about transport! Yippee!

Year 1

​In LITERACY continued our learning based on the story Mama Panya’s Pancakes. We learnt lots new words we could use instead of ‘said’ and shared them with our friends; whispered, shouted, asked, cried, snarled, groaned, moaned and many more. Next, we began to write our own version of the story thinking about our home country and our favourite food. These stories made us very hungry.

​In MATHS we have learning about 3D shapes. We used our prior knowledge to recap the different shape names and then began looking more closely at the properties of 3D shapes: faces, edges and vertices. What 3D shapes do you know?

Year 2

In LITERACY we listened to the story of Rumplestiltskin and tried acting it out in our teams.We also tried re-telling the story using actions. We have started drawing our storyboards. Let’s see how we will write up the story of Rumplestiltskin next week!.

In MATHS we introduced subtraction and practised subtracting 2 digit numbers without regrouping. We used our bank stamp tiles to understand what it means to subtract. We also practised adding 2 digit numbers with regrouping. We enjoyed practising our addition and subtraction skills using the bank stamp tiles.

1J are all stars this week for their super cooperation and communication skills in their assembly!

I learnt lots of alternative words for said, like whispered, shouted or groaned!

I am a principled learner because I try to always make the right choices!

I keep trying really hard with all my learning!

In MP1 This week ….

March 14th, 2017

Our Next Talk Topic is…things that are orange

IPC Learning Journey

For our Exit Point we took another trip to the iCAN cinema, but this time we watched our own magical movies. We are so proud of our movies and all the hard work we put in. The whole of MP1 would like to say another HUGE thank you to Jocelyn for making our movies so incredible. We have done so much learning over this unit and can’t believe its come to an end! Take a look and enjoy.

Year 1

In LITERACY we have been writing our own version of the story from Mama Panya’s Pancakes. We started by thinking about all the key events in the story and then retold it in our teams. We thought about the similarities and differences between our home country and Adika’s home country. Then, we started to plan our own ideas. Next week we will continue with our stories.

In MATHS we have been finding and using fractions. We looked at halves and quarters using shapes, objects and numbers. We even used ourselves by splitting our teams up equally into smaller groups. It was really fun!

Year 2

In LITERACY we worked very hard on our stories about the Little Red Hen. We practised a lot on punctuation, like speech marks, question marks, capital letters and full stops. We are all amazing story tellers and we were very focused when we wrote our stories. Have a look in our books!

In MATHS this week, we continued practising our 2, 5 and 10 times-table. We also practised adding two digit numbers with regrouping. We continued to consolidate our understanding of multiplication and addition using the multiplication boards and bank stamp game tiles. We have also been playing multiplication bingo. We have been busy exploring different ways to show our understanding.

I am a principled learner and show respect when listening in class.

I am a risk taker and shared my knowledge of fractions with the class.

I am a respectful and principled learner.

I have been a great thinker and shown resilience when adding 2 digit numbers.

In MP1 this week….

March 9th, 2017

Our Next Talk Topic is…Women

IPC Learning Journey

We have been thinking all about our SOCIETY this week. We looked at how people with sight or hearing impairments adapt to their surroundings. We tired writing our names using braille and had to be really resilient! We also tried using sign language. Take a look at how we got on below:

Year 1

In LITERACY we have learning about instructions. We looked at different kinds of instructions e.g. games, recipes, directions etc.
Then we sequenced a set of instructions, but not just any instructions ….a PANCAKE recipe!
Next, we had to follow the recipe. We followed the instructions very carefully and made delicious pancakes to eat. They were really yummy! Finally we wrote our own set of instructions to show our understanding. Ms Lily is going to try out our recipes to make her own pancakes …we hope she’s very hungry.

In MATHS we have been measuring magicians!
First, we went on a measuring hunt around school. We found things more than one metre long, less than one metre and exactly one metre.
We also looked at how we measure mass. We used scales to measure out our pancake ingredients. We also used balancing scales to find objects which are heavier or lighter.

Year 2

In LITERACY we learnt about the story of the Little Red Hen. As Mr. Phill the storyteller did so much storytelling with Year 2 last week, we wanted to learn more about stories and
storytelling this week.
We listened to the story of the Little Red Hen and we acted out the story in our teams. We also had a try at retelling the story. We talked about the setting of the story and what the characters
are saying in the story. We had to review learning about speech marks. Let’s see how Year 2 will write up our stories of the Little Red Hen
next week!

In MATHS this week we’ve continued with our 2, 5, 10 times table and addition of 2 digit numbers.
​We then continued to explore concrete ways of learning their times-table and addition of double digits.

I have been a great communicator by retelling my favourite stories to the whole class

I have been communicating using sign language this week. It was tricky but I didn’t give up.

I communicated my ideas in Literacy by drawing my own storyboard.

I showed resilience in phonics and tried my best when sounding out tricky words.

This week in MP1…

February 28th, 2017

Our Next Talk Topic is…Heroes

Book Week

MP1 have gone book crazy this week! In LITERACY we have loved listening to stories from Mr Phil the storyteller and even had a go retelling our own stories. Eating cookies and milk for bedtime stories was a real treat and swapping our books with friends was lots of fun too. Even our classroom doors had a makeover as we transformed them to look like some of our favourite books. Finally the whole school got dressed to look like different characters from a book …we couldn’t believe our eyes!


IPC Learning Journey

Continuing our learning in SCIENCE we learnt about Morse Code and how we can use this to communicate using only dots and dashes. We wrote our names in Morse Code and used our thinking skills to decipher secret messages. It wasn’t easy but we were all really resilient. After that, we used our electrical circuits to transmit a code to our friends using a light bulb. It was so much fun!

Year 1

In MATHS this week we have been looking at hundreds, tens, ones/units. We practised making two and even three digit numbers and played some really fun games to help our understanding. It was tricky at first but know we’re getting the hang of it!

Year 2

In MATHS we’ve been practising our multiplication 2x 5x 10x using multiplication boards and beads. Look at all the different ways we can show our learning.

I can use my phonics when reading and writing.

I like taking risks and have been a resilient learner this week.

I have been a great risk taker – retelling stories to the whole class.

I have been adaptable settling in to my new class.

This week in MP1…

February 14th, 2017

Our next Talk Topic will be ……Favourite Books

Creative Arts Celebration
Wow! It has been a creative week in MP1, full of surprises. We have been painters, communicators,
musicians, singers, dancers, risk-takers, artists, performers, designers… and so much more!
We would like to say a big thank you to all our visitors who helped make our Creative Arts
Celebration ‘World without Borders’ truly inspiring. Take a look at all the amazing and creative activities we have been up to this week…

IPC Learning Journey

MP1 put our enquiry skills to good use this week as we started our SCIENCE learning. We showed great resilience and thinking skills to solve the problem of making a bulb light up. It was quite a challenge and took many attempts but we were determined! What a bunch of proud scientists we were when we finally made the bulb work. However, this was just the beginning. Next, we added a switch and looked at the different symbols used to create diagrams of our circuits. We can’t wait to see what investigations we will be doing next.

I have been very resilient in Big Writing, taking care to write interesting sentences.

I have been helping my friends with their learning.

I have been a great helper when tidying up.

I have been a super thinker and made links with my learning

This week in MP1….

February 7th, 2017

Our next Talk Topic is: Dinosaurs or Dragons


IPC Learning Journey

We felt like real movie stars in Technology
this week! It was so exciting standing up in front of
the green screen and performing our mini
movies full of superheros, princesses and so
much more. A HUGE thank you to Jocelyn and
her team for all their help creating such fun memories and magical movies. We can’t wait to
see the finished result!

Year 1?

In LITERACY we wrote a recount about all our technology learning. We used time connectives to sequence the events in the right order and tried really hard to remember the rules for writing in the past tense. We even included our personal goals and explained how we had shown each goal in this production. The minister of Education came to visit during this lesson and we enjoyed explaining our learning and all we had done with him.

In MATHS we practised our number bonds to 10 and 20. We then used this to help us identify the number bonds in number sentences using 3 numbers
e.g. 4 + 9 + 6 = ?
Can you spot the number bond?

Year 2

In LITERACY we have been learning about time connectives and bossy verbs. Last week we made a dragon, we had to put the different steps of the instruction in the correct order, while matching them with a correct time connective like: first, next, then, after, later, finally or at last. The Minister of Education also came to visit during this lesson and we were lucky to have the opportunity to speak to him about our learning.

In MATHS this week we continued practising adding 2-digit numbers using the 1-100 number grid and landmarked number line.
We also consolidated our understanding of
symmetry by exploring with different objects.
Take a look below….

I have been trying really hard with my reading and keep improving every day.

I have worked brilliantly with my team using my cooperation skills.

I have shown resilience skills by challenging myself to write a narrative in Literacy.

I can sound out words in my reading and writing.

This week in MP1….

January 31st, 2017

Our next Talk Topic is: Outdoor play



IPC Learning Journey

We have been busy putting our cooperation and communication skills to good use this week, rehearsing ready for our movie making next week. We had to use lots of facial expression and actions to add meaning to our performance. Our props are ready, our costumes are ready and we’re ready to go! Now we can’t wait to perform in front of the green screen.

Year 1

In LITERACY we have been learning about changing the verb to be using is, am and are.
We played lots of games to test our knowledge and
deepen our understanding. It was fun to create different phrases using these key words.
What phrases can you think of at home?

In MATHS we have been practising doubling numbers. We showed this in a variety of different ways: images, numbers and words. We also practised sequencing numbers in 2s, 5s and 10s. We challenged ourselves by ordering the numbers forwards and backwards. With all this practising we’re getting much more confident with solving number problems.

Year 2

In LITERACY we started a new unit about instructions. First we were given lots of materials to make dragons with; but no instructions! The instructions were wandering around in the garden and in the canteen! We needed to find the instructions and put them in the right order. After, we could finally make the dragon!
What such beautiful and creative dragons they were too.

In MATHS we learned to add 2-digit numbers by adding multiples of ten, then units using a
1-100 number square and land-marked lines. We consolidated our learning using one of our cooperative learning structures “Show Down”.

1R were all amazing cooperators and communicators in their assembly this week! Great job!

In PE I have shown I am a resilient learner!

I have been a principled learner by raising my hand in class and waiting my turn.

I am a principled learner because I can make the right choices during learning.

This week in MP1….

January 22nd, 2017

Our next Talk Topic is ….Under The Sea

​IPC Learning Journey

We also started our learning in TECHNOLOGY. We are so excited to be learning about how movies are made. We had a special visit from Jocelyn who told us some ‘behind the scenes’ secrets. Do you know superman can’t really fly? It’s all just a special effect the director uses called a green screen. We have been busy planning our own storyboards, designing costumes and props ready for our own magic movie!

WOW! What a finish we have had in GEOGRAPHY. All our cooperation and resilience paid off. But don’t just take our word for it, take a look for yourself….

Year 1

In LITERACY we have been designing our very own story boards in preparation for our technology unit. We worked cooperatively in our teams; sharing our ideas before coming to a consensus. We all had so many creative ideas and can’t wait to start acting them out next week. Great job team!

In MATHS we have been practising the skill of subtraction. We practised counting back on a number line and used our fingers to find the difference. We even created our own problems for our friends to solve. It was interesting to see all the different ways we could work out answer.

Year 2

In LITERACY we wrote descriptions of the Big Bad Wolf and a created a new character. We used this new character to think about our own version of the story of Little Red Riding Hood. Everyone had amazing ideas and we spent some time planning our stories. This helped us a lot the next day, when we wrote our new fairy tales. You can read them in our books!

In MATHS we recapped our knowledge of ordering numbers and properties of numbers. (eg: odd/even numbers, 2 digit numbers, greater than/less than). We used beaded and landmarked numberlines to round 2-digit numbers to the nearest multiple of ten. We know some cool clues to help us when rounding.

I have been a cooperative learner, working with my team to make our 3D map.

I have been a great thinker in Literacy using wow words and remembering to write in the past tense.

I have been a great thinker sharing my ideas with my friends.

I have been a principled learner, making the right choices in the classroom and at playtime.

Welcome Back!

January 18th, 2017

Talk Topic: Chinese New Year


IPC Learning Journey


We couldn’t wait to carry on our GEOGRAPHY learning! To start with, we used our prior knowledge and remembered lots of
famous landmarks from New York City.This really helped us plan our 3D maps.
First, we had to come to a consensus in our teams. This took a lot of cooperation!
We had lots of ideas for our maps. We then made a 2D plan before getting busy (and a little messy) making our 3D maps inspired by New York City.
​We’ve put in a lot of effort and our maps should be ready next week. We can’t wait to show you the finished result.

Year 1

In LITERACY we enjoyed sharing our recount of the holidays. We had lots of exciting news and it was great to hear what our friends had been up to as well. We wanted to make our recounts as interesting as possible so we planned to use some key features to help us: time connectives helped us to sequence the events correctly e.g. First, Next, Then, After, Finally. Wow words made our recounts more exciting and reflecting on our feelings helped us to add more detail.

In MATHS we have been telling the time to the half hour. We even matched analogue and digital times. To help practise these skills for telling the time we played lots of games. Why not try this game at home…

Year 2

In LITERACY we continued our learning on traditional stories. We looked at the setting of Little Red Riding Hood and came up with some interesting adjectives. We wrote questions using the correct punctuation and created some detailed narrative. If you met the wolf what would you ask him?

In MATHS we worked on numbers and place value. We started by marking 2-digit numbers on a landmarked line. We compared numbers using the symbols for greater than and lesser than < and > and used our knowledge to order numbers and properties of number (e.g. odd/even). We rounded 2-digit numbers to the nearest multiple of ten. Finally we consolidated our learning by doing a lot of group activities to help us understand.

I am very cooperative when working with my team making 3D maps.

I have been trying really hard to write verbs in the best tense.

I am a principled learner. I make the right choices and am responsible for my own actions.

I am a principled learner and try to always make the right choices.